It became a hashtag, a movement, a reckoning. But it began, as great social change nearly always does, with individual acts of courage. The actor who went public with the story of movie mogul Harvey Weinstein’s “coercive bargaining” in a Beverly Hills hotel suite two decades earlier. The strawberry picker who heard that story and decided to tell her own. The young engineer whose blog post about the frat-boy culture at Silicon Valley’s highest-flying startup prompted the firing of its founder and 20 other employees. The California lobbyist whose letter campaign spurred more than 140 women in politics to demand that state government “no longer tolerate the perpetrators or enablers” of sexual misconduct. A music superstar’s raw, defiant court testimony about the disc jockey who groped her….Read the full story here.
TIME’s 2017 Person of the Year: The Silence Breakers
Runner-Up: Donald Trump
Runner-Up: Xi Jinping
Runner-Up: Robert Mueller
Runner-Up: Kim Jong Un
Runner-Up: Colin Kaepernick
Runner-Up: Patty Jenkins