And she has no idea why
Lisa McIntire, a San Francisco-based freelance writer, received an interesting piece of mail from Bank of America today. The credit card offer sent to her mother’s house wasn’t just addressed to “Lisa McIntire.” It was addressed to “Lisa Is a Slut McIntire.”
How did this happen? First she learned about the letter via a text from her mom:
Then came the photos of the letter itself:
The letter was a credit card offer sent by Bank of America, and McIntire isn’t sure how exactly something like this happened.
“[The letter] initially made me nervous because I’m a feminist writer on the internet,” McIntire told The Daily Intelligencer, “but I don’t think it’s personal.”
For the record, we know Lisa, and the only S-word she is is SUPER. Looks like BOA has some explaining to do (we reached out to them and will update if we hear back).