Courtesy Thalía

I hope that these words find you in the future, and when you read them you can comprehend their context. I also hope they can also help you understand your mother.

It has never been easy to say goodbye to you and see your starry eyes get cloudy for a few seconds, asking me, “Are you coming back? When? I need you! Don’t leave me.” Through all of those goodbyes, I learned how to give all of us peace with my words. I taught you that mom always comes back, that mom lives within yourselves. I would say, “Close your eyes and hear me, feel me, breathe me…mom is always inside of your hearts.” This was our mantra, what helped us survive everyday life. I would also close my eyes and you would be there with me—in my heart.

Working is something we can’t prevent; it is part of life. The secret, the magic, is to learn the art of incorporating your work into your life and finding balance. The art, in my case, has always been to invite you to be an active participant in my projects. While composing songs, I listened to your ideas and took them into consideration. While designing items for my fashion collection for Macy’s, I asked you to help me select colors and patterns, and I always made sure to let you know how important and smart your suggestions were.

It was because of you that I learned to be more playful as a singer, leave my comfort zone and, with your help, try a completely different style. I sang from a different perspective and to a new audience—to you. You inspired me to sing for children, and together we chose and wrote songs for those albums. My children’s book was inspired by you and your creative nature, Sabrina! When we went out on tour together for the first time, it was an amazing adventure for all of us, especially traveling with you, Matthew, when you were just a beautiful little baby. It was the first time that I did not feel alone on the road, because having you there immediately made me feel at home.

I imagine that at some point in time you will understand that being a Mom is the most honest and powerful journey that a woman will ever make. It involves trying everything to help your kids and never thinking about giving up. It means opening one’s wings and flying like a falcon, always keeping your talons out to protect your little ones. It gives you a second opportunity to discover the world—through your children’s eyes.

Being a working mother is to know that work now has a different meaning. I no longer work to satisfy my ego, I do it for your present and your future. I know this mother of yours is not a typical one, and occasionally my career (choice) has been tough on all of us, but I also know that because of some of the sacrifices, this mother of yours has learned to balance priorities and put things into perspective. I discovered that teamwork is key, and that living with love in the present enriches each and every moment we share.

I want you to be true to yourselves when mom is no longer with you. Do not take life too seriously—believe me, nobody cares! Really! Don’t take yourselves too seriously, either. Live to be happy, to give love, to hug. Take God’s hand and live, feel, and love to the fullest. And most important of all, never, ever forget this: mom lives within you, always inside of your hearts—just close your eyes, and I’ll be there.

Thalía is a multiplatinum-selling Latin pop singer

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