• U.S.


2 minute read

Required for cloture: two-thirds of the Senators who are “present and voting.” Thus, if all 100 Senators were present, 67 votes would be needed to stop the Democratic filibuster against the civil rights bill. The bill’s bipartisan supporters say that now that they have presented the package of Dirksen-sculptured amendments, they will have the necessary votes when a cloture petition is filed, probably by the middle of this month. Georgia’s Senator Richard Russell, leader of the filibuster forces, makes “no claim as to being able to beat the gag rule.” If the bipartisan coalition manages to invoke cloture, no amendments can be offered without unanimous consent, and no Senator can speak longer than an hour before final action on the bill, and Southern resistance will be futile. The present roll call:



Anderson (N.Mex.) McGovern (S.Dak.) Bartlett (Alaska) Mclntyre (N.H.) Bayh (Ind.) McNamara (Mich.) Brewster (Md.) Magnuson (Wash.) Burdick (N.Dak.) Mansfield (Mont.) Church (Idaho) Metcalf (Mont.) Clark (Pa.) Monroney (Okla.) Dodd (Conn.) Morse (Ore.) Douglas (III.) Moss (Utah) Engle (Calif.) Muskie (Me.) Gruening (Alaska) Nelson (Wis.) Hart (Mich.) Neuberger (Ore.) Hartke (Ind.) Pastore (R.I.) Humphrey (Minn.) Pell (R.I.) Inouye (Hawaii) Proxmire (Wis.) Jackson (Wash.) Randolph (W.Va.) Kennedy (Mass.) Ribicoff (Conn.) Lausche (Ohio) Symington (Mo.) E. V. Long (Mo.) H. A. Williams (N.J.) McCarthy (Minn.) S. M. Young (Ohio) McGee (Wyo.)


Aiken (Vt.) Javits (N.Y.) Allott (Colo.) Keating (N.Y.) Beall (Md.) Miller (Iowa) Bennett (Utah) Kuchel (Calif.) Boggs (Del.) Morton (Ky.) Carlson (Kans.) Mundt (S.Dak.) Case (N.J.) Pearson (Kans.) Cooper (Ky.) Prouty (Vt.) Dirksen (III.) Saltonstall (Mass.) Fong (Hawaii) Scott (Pa.)


Democrats— 21 H. F. Byrd (Va.) R. Long (La.) R. C. Byrd (W.Va.) McClellan (Ark.) Eastland (Miss.) Robertson (Va.) Ellender (La.) Russell (Ga.) Ervin (N.C.) Smathers (Fla.) Fulbright (Ark.) Sparkman (Ala.) Hayden (Ariz.) Stennis (Miss.) Hill (Ala.) Talmadge (Ga.) Holland (Fla.) Thurmond (S.C.) Johnston (S.C.) Walters (Tenn.) Jordan (N.C.)


Goldwater (Ariz.) Tower (Texas) Simpson (Wyo.)

UNCOMMITTED— 15 Democrats— 5

Bible (Nev.) Gore (Tenn.) Cannon (Nev.) Yarborough (Texas) Edmondson (Okla.)

Republicans— 10

Cotton (N.H.) Jordan (Idaho) Curtis (Neb.) Mechem (N.Mex.) Dominick (Colo.) Smith (Me.) Hickenlooper (Iowa) J .J. Williams (Del.) Hruska (Neb.) M.R. Young (N.D.)

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