• U.S.

Fiction: Recent Books: Mar. 4, 1935

1 minute read

IN TIME OF PEACE—Thomas Boyd— Minton, Batch ($2.50). Storyof the post-War U. S., a sequel to Through the Wheat; Author Boyd’s posthumous book.

THE GRASS GROWS GREEN—Hortense Lion—Houghton Mifflin ($2.50). Family novel of German-Americans, 1834-1917.

JORNADA—R. L. Duffus—Covici, Friede ($2.50). Historical romance of the U. S. Southwest, by a prolific but careful journalist.


PERMANENCE AND CHANGE—Kenneth Burke— New Republic Inc. ($1). “An anatomy of purpose” by one of the keenest of the younger U. S. philosophers.

TEN THOUSAND PUBLIC ENEMIES—Courtney Ryley Cooper—Little, Brown ($3). The story of the recent war between organized crime and the U. S. Department of Justice.

THE GREAT WALL CRUMBLES—Grover Clark—Macmillan ($3.50). Vivid and concrete picture of present-day China against her ancient background.

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