• U.S.

People, Nov. 8, 1971

5 minute read

Behind a locked door in Vatican City waits a present for Pope Paul VI that may conceivably please its recipient but has already shocked many who have seen photographs of it. The gift is a large (about 71 ft. by 12 ft.) portrait of His Holiness, painted in a semi-abstract mode, in which the Pope’s emaciated, suffering face and folded hands are the focus of splintering shafts of light. German Painter Ernst Guenter Hansing, 42, sketched his subject during twelve protracted stays at the Vatican over a period of 21 years. Though he never had a private sitting, he was given a front-row seat at papal ceremonies in which to work. “I wanted more than just a picture of a person,” says Hansing, a Lutheran. “I wanted to show the tension-fraught situation of the church, caught in a multiplicity of issues, as reflected in the countenance of the Pope.”

Tailor and Cutter, trade magazine of Britain’s men’s fashion industry, shook the earth again with its annual list of the ten best-dressed men. No. 1—surprise, surprise—is one of their own: Savile Row Tailor Colin Hammick, 42, characterized by the magazine as “a coat hanger—clothes hang perfectly on him.” The real eyebrow raiser is No. 2 and the only American on the list: Singer Andy Williams, whose wardrobe favors slacks and casual sweaters. The magazine insists that “he looks good no matter what he wears.” Eighth is the Duke of Windsor (“our former king puts to shame many a potential fashion man”), and tenth is Princess Margaret’s husband, Lord Snowdon (“one of the few young royals who know what fashion is about”).

In a twinge of jealousy over her lumberman boy friend, the wife of a Phoenix physician chopped up a couple of the lumberman’s lady friends and shipped them to California in trunks. Now—after 40 years, a sensational trial and seven escapes from mental hospitals—”Tiger Woman” Winnie Ruth Judd, 66, has been granted a commutation of her life sentence by Arizona Governor Jack Williams. If she gets the parole board’s permission, the matronly murderess plans to return to the San Francisco suburb of Damville, where she was recaptured in 1969 after spending several years incognito as housekeeper to a local doctor.

“Martha gave me hell,” admitted Attorney General John Mitchell, after President Nixon did not nominate a woman to the Supreme Court. “I sure did,” chirped Martha Mitchell. “Why, I’ve been suffering to get a woman on the court. I’m sick and tired of women being third-class citizens. I heard Mrs. Nixon was so mad she was packing her bags. Well, I got a lead on her. I packed earlier, so I could go over and help her.”

“Miz” is the way to pronounce Ms., the preferred Women’s Lib designation for a female, married or single, and also the name of a new women’s magazine announced by its editor-to-be, Liberator Gloria Steinem. The first issue (price: $1.50) will be published in January, but regular monthly publication will not begin until late spring, at $1 a copy. “Mi, will be a how-to magazine,” said Ms. Steinem, “not how to make jelly but how to seize control of your life.” There will be articles on such matters as how to raise children without sex roles, how to gain political power and how to prevent job discrimination. Advertising will be accepted with pleasure, as long as the copy contains no traces of male chauvinism. Says Ms. Steinem: “We will refuse ads that are insulting.”

Former Secretary of the Interior Stewart Udall, in Vancouver, B.C., to discuss environmental issues with mining officials, was accompanied by his son, Scott, whom he introduced, at one point, as a Canadian. A Canadian? “I deserted the U.S. Army in 1969,” explained Scott, “and I’ve been here ever since, living in Alberta as a landed immigrant.” Added Dad, a member of both the Kennedy and Johnson Cabinets: “I have supported my son in this from the outset.”

In Rome to investigate the possibilities of a full-scale “crusade” there in 1973, Evangelist Billy Graham said his hope lay in Italian youth. “In many places,” said Billy, “young people are rejecting the organized church, but they are not rejecting the person of Christ.” How about opposition from Catholics, in the very citadel of the Roman church? “I get an average of 5,000 letters daily, many of them from Catholics,” replied Graham. “I have never had an angry, ugly or critical letter from a Catholic—but I have had many from Protestants.”

George Washington’s famous false teeth—hippopotamus dentine for the uppers, elephant ivory for the lowers—not only pained his gums and caused his lips to bulge but were deeply stained as well. In a lecture at the Smithsonian Institution, Dr. Reidar F. Sognnaes, professor of oral biology and anatomy at U.C.L.A., said that the stains were probably caused by ordinary consumption of coffee, tea, tobacco and port wine. Noting that ivory and hippo dentine are exceptionally porous, Dr. Sognnaes scoffs at the theory that Washington soaked his dentures in port. “Who would do such a thing,” he asks, “except me, for experimental reasons?”

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