• U.S.

Miscellany, Jan. 23, 1950

2 minute read

Major Issue. In Edmonton, Alta., an unidentified bandit, writing to correct a newspaper account of his robbery which described him as between 45 and 50, insisted that he was only 34 and didn’t look a day older.

Out of This World. In San Francisco, Milton Gill told police he could not explain why his car rolled 400 feet downhill and crashed into a parked car; at the time, he was kissing his girl goodnight.

Q.E.D. In London, Stanley Read was acquitted of an embezzlement charge when he told the jury he had bet his employer $28 that it would be easy to embezzle money from the firm, was only proving his point when he falsified the accounts by $812.

Reconnaissance. In Cleveland, Mrs. Hilda Hunt, suing for divorce, charged that when her husband rolled in at 4 a.m., he insisted on waking her up and asking whether she was angry.

Don’t Look Now. In Miami Beach, 2,000 celebrators put off singing an especially composed song entitled In Miami Beach the Sun Is Always Shining when a park dedication ceremony was delayed by rain.

Necessary Proof. In Rio de Janeiro, Carlos dos Santos, arrested during a routine roundup of pickpockets, was about to be released when the station detective rearrested him because he discovered that his wallet had been pinched during the questioning.

All in the Family. In Los Angeles, Helen Blanc Fisher won an annulment when she told the judge that Walter Fisher had married her in Las Vegas, Nev., left immediately for Baltimore where he courted and two months later married her sister Evelyn.

Indian Summer. In New Delhi, India, a bill was introduced in the legislative assembly providing three months’ imprisonment and a fine of $200 for any man over 40 years old who marries a woman under 25.

Brother’s Keeper. In Sydney, Australia, James Cain was charged with using indecent language to Police Constable Ronald Abel.

Extrasensory Rejection. In London, Maurice Fogel unsuccessfully tried to get excused from registering for jury duty, on the grounds that his ability to read minds might embarrass the court when the trial started.

On Hand. In Harlan, Ky., Elmer Howard was arrested for breaking into the city jail.

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