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The Press: Thru God’s Grace

4 minute read

Very much the worse for his 47-day journey through New Guinea’s tangled jungle, Vern Haugland (TIME, Oct. 1) awoke last week from a nine-day delirium, smiled and said: “Tell my mother I’ve been real sick. . . .”

The lean, wiry A.P. reporter had been revived at Port Moresby hospital by special food and drugs flown in from the Australian mainland. He was still too weak to talk about his record trek after bailing out of a U.S. Army bomber, but his diary talked for him with terse eloquence. Some entries:

Aug. 7—Bailed out about 6:30 at about 13.000. Nite in chute in rain. Uninjured.

Aug. 11—Co-pilot Michael [Lieut. James A. Michael, Temple, Okla.; missing] and I may get separated. I have a life preserver; he hasn’t. If you find me and not him, send help quickly, as he is starving.

Aug. 12—Thru God’s grace Mike and I are still together. Forded river near fork. . . . Spent last night in chute. Mike caught up. Spent night on hillside, rain starting at four, under small rock. . . . Rained early. Saw wallaby [a small kangaroo].

Aug. 16—Both very weak—feet bad. . . . Mike went up over the hill. I started down the river, saw I couldn’t make it, came back to dry my clothes. Will try and follow him tomorrow. . . . Maybe Mike can go faster alone. I hope so. He is a wonderful boy and deserves to live.

Aug. 17 Evening—Got into river. Saw couldn’t make it. Awful climb up mt. There I saw it straight down. Absolutely no hope. Climbing further—terrible mts. ahead. River almost impassable—winds endlessly. . . . Made it back to camp— about ready to go to sleep.

Aug. 19—Second day lying on rocks, chewing grass and reeds, praying a great deal. Getting so weak. Hardly any hope now. Watched vainly all day for a plane. . . . Looks like I shall die here soon.

Aug. 20—Worst rainy nite. … I was just lying in the mud, soaked and stinking, all night. Somehow stronger today. Foot healing, too. If I could get real food, think could hike around mt. Seems too bad to die when maybe could struggle to a village. . . .

Aug. 22 — Worst rainy nite yet — didn’t think I could stand that torture. Rain today—dread tonight.

Aug. 23—Surprisingly didn’t rain. Moon came out. . . . About flooded out of bed by rise.

Aug. 28—This may be wrong date. Either last nite was very long and full of bad dreams or I have been semi-delirious.

Aug. 29 Later—Climbed all day—nearly on top and looks impossible get clear over. Exhausted.

Aug. 30—Now at mt. top. Most vivid, terrible scene I ever witnessed. Such peaks! Dug through worst jungle yet. . . . If I don’t die tonite, I may push on along shore a way tomorrow—I don’t know why.

Sept. 3—Reached river bottom below extreme peaks, bathed, washed bandages, dried feet. One toe very badly swollen.

Sept. 4 Sundown—Climbed, most wonderful views yet. Sharp air battle [no elaboration given].

Sept. 6—. . . Crossed big river on log jam. . . . Crossed another on log, wandered hr. or two, lost, back to river, found three native huts, one with floor. . . . Sick in night, first time, probably from stingers on hand and mouth. . . .

Sept. 9, p.m.—Thank God I am keeping near reeds, got on to faint animal track. Crossed stream on log at berry place, trail grew plainer, definitely track thru forest. Made more distance so far than for weeks. . . . Sun still high. All creeks logged over, no vines, all cleared.

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