• U.S.

Animals: Terrapin

1 minute read

One day rain spoiled a rodeo at Miller’s 101 Ranch in Ponca City, Okla. Turtles came out after the rain and someone had the idea of racing them instead of horses. Last week 10,000 entries arrived in poultry cars to race in the sixth annual terrapin derby at Ponca City. Their owners chalked identifying numbers on their diamond-panelled backs and put them under a big canvas hoop in the middle of a circle. Up went the hoop as the crowd shouted. Many turtles lay still, inert or stupid. Others began to move at frenzied speed but grew discouraged and lay down or remembered something and went back. A few plodded on to the outer line of the circle. First across, and winner of $7,100 was Goober Dust, owned by Mrs. Cora M. Day of Ponca City. Second prize, $1,250, went to an anonymous turtle belonging to F. V. Huddleston of Bluff City, Kan.

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