• U.S.

CONGRESS: The Senate Week May 28, 1928

2 minute read

Work Done. Last week, the U. S. Senators:

¶ Unanimously passed a bill to give Mrs. Woodrow Wilson a pension of $5,000 per annum; sent it to the House.

¶ Passed a House resolution designating May 1 as annual Child Health Day.

¶ Adopted the Conference report on the McNary-Haugen Farm Bill; the Bill went to President Coolidge.

¶ Adopted the Conference report on the Jones-White Merchant Marine Bill; the Bill went to President Coolidge.

¶ Passed a resolution to have the Reed Committee on senatorial campaign funds investigate last week’s New Jersey primary.

¶ Passed Senator Walsh’s resolution asking the Secretary of the Treasury to report on taxes, if any, paid by Harry Ford Sinclair et al. on profits of the suspect Continental Trading Co. (the Treasury soon reported that proper taxes had been paid).

¶ Passed a resolution to preserve the brick structure in Washington lately used as headquarters of the National Women’s Party which served as the U. S. Capitol in 1814-18 after the British burned Washington.

¶ Passed resolutions ordering four new investigations into unemployment, appointments of U. S. postmasters, civil service appointments, aerial coast defense. The Senate’s investigations this session totalled 14.

¶ Debated the Revenue Act of 1928 (tax reduction).

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