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CHINA: No Respite

1 minute read

China’s angry dragon, the Yangtse River, was dropping a few inches a day last week. The flood peak had definitely passed. But there was no respite from death and destruction. Hankow, “Chicago of China,” was still awash with germ-laden, stinking waters. Gendarmerie headquarters estimated 250,000 dead in the vicinity.

It was the typhoon season. After furious storms, the Grand Canal (running north and south between Hangchow and Tientsin) gave way in 15 places and washed out the thriving city of Yang-chow; 200.000 were reported killed, 6,000,000 more made homeless.

A missionary reached Shanghai last week from the flooded region and reported the creation of a great shallow inland sea, 200 miles long, yellow and endless to the horizon.

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