• U.S.

Numbers: May 1, 2000

1 minute read
Melissa August, Val Castronovo, Matthew Cooper, Ellin Martens, Paruedee Nguitragool, Desa Philadelphia, Julie Rawe, Alain Sanders and Josh Tyrangiel

43 Governments in Italy since 1959, the latest of which dissolved last week

1 Governments in Cuba since 1959

$43,000,000 Cost of a new computerized system to track the 500,000 foreign college students in the U.S.

9,767 Visas issued from 1991 to 1996 to students from Middle Eastern countries on the State Department’s list of governments that support terrorism

1 Lapsed student-visa holder convicted in the World Trade Center bombing

94% U.S. households that have telephone service

22% Households on Navajo reservations with phone service

1 in 147 Incarceration rate among U.S. residents last year, up from 1 in 218 in 1990

1 in 9 African-American men between ages 20 and 39 who were behind bars last June, compared with 1 in 25 Hispanic men and 1 in 65 white men in the same age group

Sources: Italian embassy; USA Today; USA Today; Bureau of Justice Statistics

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