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Time Magazine Contents Page

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SOCIETY: Once Pitied, Now Censured 28

Americans struggle to make the homeless problem go away

Interview: Clinton’s point man on homelessness 31

CONGRESS: Breaking the Logjam 32

Passage of the Brady bill caps an unusually active session

Reform: Where lawmakers hate to make progress 32

LABOR: Score One for the Worker 34

The challenge to American Airlines signals wider restlessness

Strike: Clinton intervenes to stop an airline walkout 35

THE WHITE HOUSE: A Taste for Victoriana 38

The new look in the mansion’s rooms is intentionally old

COVER: Castro’s Choice 42

Cuba’s socialist dream is turning into a nightmare. Can Fidel control Cuba’s mutation, or will freeing the economy steal the country out from under him?

ITALY: Going to Extremes 57

Voters forsake the center for ex-communists and neofascists

PROFILE: Keeper of the Straight and Narrow 58

Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger wields enormous clout

TECHNOLOGY: The Wild World of Internet 62

Is the mother of all computer networks ready for prime time?

MEDICINE: Watch Out for a Killer 66

Flulike symptoms could be the work of the deadly hantavirus

Invulnerable to AIDS: Some Kenyan prostitutes resist HIV 67

INVESTIGATIONS: The Man in the Mire 69

The case of Michael Jackson gets stickier and stickier

ETHICS: Bodies of Evidence 70

A furor arises over the use of human cadavers in crash tests


Press: Television’s tabloid shows want some respect 72

Theater: Angels in America, now complete, disappoints 75

Neil Simon’s Laughter on the 23rd Floor is only that

Dance: A blurry Nutcracker makes it to the screen 81

Books: Paddy Clarke is a frustrating prizewinner 82

Another doorstop-size novel from Herman Wouk

Art: The weird, confessional work of Mike Kelley 85

Television: Geronimo kicks off a TNT series on Indians 88

For kids, the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers reign

Cinema: The Snapper may be the year’s best comedy 89

Juliette Binoche suffers swankly in Blue

Music: Guns N’ Roses pay tribute to their roots 91

The Black Rider is a triumph for its collaborators



Cover: Computer-altered photograph by Gianfranco Gorgoni — Contact Press Images

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