• U.S.

Assessing the Summit

3 minute read

How do Americans feel about the outcome of the Reykjavik summit? Do they think the U.S. should proceed with full development of the Strategic Defense Initiative, or that sdi should be used as a bargaining chip? To find out, TIME commissioned a poll of 806 Americans by Yankelovich Clancy Shulman. The survey was conducted by telephone last Wednesday, and has a potential sampling error of plus or minus 4%. Summit questions were asked of the 62% who reported following the issue in the news. Some of the findings:

Thumbs Up for Reagan

By almost every measure, Ronald Reagan emerged from Reykjavik a winner. Among Americans who kept abreast of the summit, two out of three support Reagan’s decision to reject the Soviet offer. Most blame Mikhail Gorbachev for the failure to reach agreement, and an overwhelming majority believes the President is more committed to arms control than is the Soviet leader. Most agree with Reagan that SDI should be developed. Apparently, most do not see SDI as a stumbling block to future negotiations; a majority is optimistic that Reagan and Gorbachev will eventually sign a pact. Significantly, confidence in Reagan’s ability to negotiate an arms-control agreement has nearly doubled since a year ago. Those rosy results for Reagan might even help a candidate or two come November. Asked if they were more likely or less likely to vote for a % candidate who favors Star Wars, 30% replied that they would be more likely, while 13% said they would be less likely. Fifty-two percent said it would make no difference.

Reagan Made the Right Decision

The Soviet Union offered to make substantial reductions in nuclear weapons if the U.S. agreed to limit the development of Star Wars only to laboratory research for the next ten years. Should President Reagan have accepted?

Yes 20%

No 69%

Support for Reagan cut across party and ideological lines; a majority of Democrats as well as Republicans believed the U.S. should have turned down the package. Almost as many women (66%) as men (72%) rallied behind the President, as did all age groups.

Reagan vs. Gorbachev

Who do you think is more to blame for the failure to reach an agreement?

Reagan 14%

Gorbachev 45%

Both equally 25%

Which leader do you feel is more committed to reaching an arms-control agreement?

Reagan 63%

Gorbachev 9%

Both equally 15%

A Deal Can Still Be Made

Do you think it is still possible for Reagan and Gorbachev to reach an agreement to reduce nuclear weapons, or do you think there is little chance while Reagan is still President?

Still possible 62%

Little chance 33%

Steam Ahead with SDI

Do you favor or oppose developing the Star Wars defense system?

Oct. 1986 Nov. 1985 Favor 64% 59% Oppose 26%


Do you think Star Wars should be used as a bargaining chip to reach an arms-control agreement, or do you think we should develop Star Wars no matter what happens in arms-control negotiations?

Bargaining chip 27%

Develop Star Wars 54%

Confidence in Reagan the Negotiator

How much confidence do you have in President Reagan to negotiate an arms- control agreement with the Soviet Union?

Oct. 1986 July 1985 A lot 53% 28%

Only a little 35% 52%

None at all 8% 17%

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