• U.S.

Verbatim: Jun. 11, 2007

2 minute read

‘The Iranian nation has taken another step forward, and God willing, more giant strides are awaiting.’

MAHMOUD AHMADINEJAD, Iranian President, about talks between Iran and the U.S. on security in Iraq, the first formal meeting between the two countries in almost three decades

‘It’s really impressive–and it really gives the impression that they’re talking about science at some point.’

LAWRENCE KRAUSS, a Case Western Reserve University physicist, in a sarcastic appraisal of Kentucky’s new Creation Museum, which presents the Bible’s version of Earth’s history–that the planet was created in a single week just a few thousand years ago. The museum opened on May 28 as protesters rallied outside

‘We feel like we’ve moved an iceberg an inch.’

DEBBIE WASSERMAN-SCHULTZ, a Florida Representative, on the progress of Democrats who are determined to end the Iraq war

‘I noticed [Tinky Winky] has a lady’s purse, but I didn’t realize he’s a boy.’

EWA SOWINSKA, Poland’s government-appointed children’s rights watchdog, who will investigate if Teletubbies are homosexual propaganda

‘I was pretty much at ease mentally at the summit, like I could sing a song.’

KATSUSUKE YANAGISAWA, 71, a retired teacher from Japan, about reaching the top of Mount Everest. He became the oldest person to scale the 29,035-ft. peak

‘Goodbye, America. You are not the country that I love, and I finally realized no matter how much I sacrifice, I can’t make you be that country unless you want it. It’s up to you now.’

CINDY SHEEHAN, mother from California who became an antiwar leader after her son was killed in Iraq, declaring in her online diary that she is walking away from the peace movement

Sources: BBC; AP (2); Reuters; AFP; the Nation

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