• U.S.

Numbers: Feb. 19, 2007

1 minute read

$100 billion Amount that the new budget proposed by President Bush would save over five years by trimming Medicare and Medicaid costs

$100 billion Additional funding Bush is seeking for Iraq and Afghanistan for fiscal 2008, on top of $70 billion already requested this year

40% Percentage of DVD sales in the U.S. made at Wal-Mart, which this week launched a download depot–with approximately 3,000 movies and TV shows–to compete against online-rental firms

$19.88 Maximum price Wal-Mart is charging to download a movie on the day it is released on DVD. Older films cost up to $9.88

$2 million Amount Turner Broadcasting System and a marketing firm agreed to pay in restitution after a publicity stunt, which involved planting blinking signs for a Cartoon Network show on Boston bridges, sparked a terrorism scare and several days of nonstop media attention

$2.6 million Average cost to air a 30-sec. ad during the Super Bowl

12 Pairs of socks a Turkish hosier gave World Bank president Paul Wolfowitz after he was caught wearing holey socks at a photo op at a Turkish mosque

$391,440 Wolfowitz’s salary, according to the bank’s most recent annual report

Sources: AP (2); USA Today (2); AP; New York Times; AFP; BBC

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