My commendations to Michael Weisskopf for the great excerpt from his book and for his courage in facing tragedy and in becoming stronger as a result [Oct. 2]. I say that as a doctor who has seen many amputees. Weisskopf’s position as a senior correspondent for a major magazine meant that he got the best care. But what happens to the soldier with a high school diploma who never saw a doctor before his injury and who may return home to a setting that is ill equipped to get him to even the nearest wheelchair vendor? Our soldiers also deserve top-quality care for their injuries.
Stuart J. Glassman, M.D.
Concord, New Hampshire, U.S.
Weisskopf is a hero. I’m a retired veterans Administration clinical social worker who treated war heroes for 40 years. I know what they are made of. Besides the valor he demonstrated by saving lives, he is putting his life back together after a horrific trauma. Like the great war correspondent Ernie Pyle, Weisskopf chose the heart of the battle zone to profile the armed forces. Anyone who has read Weisskopf’s story should be able to appreciate the heroism of our armed forces and veterans.
Phillip L. Elbaum
Deerfield, Illinois, U.S.
I wept when I read Weisskopf’s searing and sensitive account of losing his hand in Iraq. In coming to terms with his loss, he realized that he had actually won a prize: the rest of his life. But his story revealed that he won more than that. By summoning the courage to undergo painful introspection after his injury, Michael Weisskopf has reclaimed his soul and his spirit. I too suffered a loss, 15 years ago, when my young husband died of brain cancer. As a result of addressing sometimes unendurable pain and grief, I won the same prize.
Maralyn Farber
Bethesda, Maryland, U.S.
I was riveted by Weisskopf’s story of horrific pain and soul searching. It made me think of the soldiers who have died in Iraq and the more than 20,000 Americans who have suffered terrible physical and mental wounds there. Weisskopf’s story brought attention to thousands of soldiers who left their youth, limbs and peace of mind overseas. They will never forget their government’s deception in leading them into an unnecessary war.
Florence Graff
Wappingers Falls, New York, U.S.
Weisskopf said he asked his psychologist why he had grabbed the grenade, and the answer was that it was an act of self-preservation — “That’s what all heroes are made of.” I disagree that heroism is rooted in self-preservation. The soldier who throws himself on a grenade to save his buddies or the citizen who pulls a stranger from a burning car knowingly reduces his chance of survival to increase that of another. It is the willingness to risk one’s life for a noble purpose that should define an act of heroism, not the saving of somebody’s life coincident with saving your own — and certainly not the instinct for self-preservation.
Bradley J. Hartman
Havana, Florida, U.S.
I very much appreciated Weisskopf’s article and started to cry when I read about Specialist James Fair, the young man who suffered a brain injury, lost his eyesight and both hands. He weighs on my conscience because I support our mission. I have not reconciled myself to my responsibility for his injuries as an outspoken supporter of our liberation of Iraq. I have work to do on that, and it continues to keep me awake.
Karen Howard
Redmond, Washington, U.S.
Weisskopf’s story brought back memories of my experiences in World War II. I was awarded a Silver Star, but I’m fortunate to have survived for 83 years without having to pay as dearly as Weisskopf has. If he were in uniform, he would have been decorated with the Medal of Honor. Since so many reporters are losing lives or limbs, there should be a special decoration for their bravery. Of course, a medal can’t replace the loss of a limb, but it can be a way for the American people to give recognition to reporters who have acted with valor.
Jesse E. Foster
Major, U.S.A.F. (ret.)
Having torn a tendon in my right rotator cuff, for which the only treatment is surgery, I have been obsessed with how I’m going to get dressed, do my hair and apply my make up with my dominant hand in a sling. Then I read Weisskopf’s story. I am no longer worried about my situation. The bravery and courage exemplified by Weisskopf and his fellow amputees at Walter Reed are truly awe- inspiring and humbling. Those men should certainly be considered for Persons of the Year.
Mary Ellen Lukasiewicz
Cumberland, Rhode Island, U.S.
Weisskopf’s tale of losing a hand in Iraq and his struggle to understand his ordeal was one of the most touching pieces of journalism I have read in many years. In the troubled Middle East, such a story is all too familiar. People are too eager to enter into wars that solve no problems, and the results are devastating. Let’s hope that the world’s problem solvers can lead us to a different, peaceful path for the future of this planet and its people.
Lillian Cohen
Kfar Monash, Israel
Hurricane Hugo
Hugo Chavez’s speech at the U.N. General Assembly, in which he called President George W. Bush the devil, made no contribution to peace [Oct. 2]. Chávez tried to transform an important forum of debate into a circus. Maybe he thought that he was on Jon Stewart’s Daily Show, or maybe he was trying to mimic Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev, who banged the lectern with his shoe in the same forum. Both leaders were disrespectful to the delegates, U.N. officials and the U.N. as an institution that represents our ultimate hope for peace. Secretary-General Kofi Annan should take measures to avoid such occurrences in the future and uphold the dignity of the institution.
José Thomaz Gama da Silva
Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Instead of criticizing Chavez for his verbal attack on the President, perhaps we should ask why foreign leaders like him are attacking Bush. Has a U.S. President ever been so vilified worldwide? Is the rest of the world wrong? I applaud the courage of Chávez, Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and others who are not afraid to speak out. If our leaders are pigheaded and hell-bent on having their own erroneous way, we should stop them from pursuing their ill-conceived, self-destructive course.
David Chen
Hacienda Heights, California, U.S. I was disappointed that your story did not mention what everyone should know about Chávez: there is legitimate opposition to his rule in Venezuela, but his method for dealing with it has been to replace the legislature and decree that all law come from a special council he appointed. The judicial branch of the Venezuelan government was packed with Chávez loyalists, and the constitution was rewritten. He might have come to power by the ballot box, but he has remained in power using different tools. In short, Chávez is actually the kind of President that many delusional leftists accuse Bush of being: an ideologue who has reshaped his country’s government to stifle political competition and consolidate his authority.
Mike Grady
As far as I am concerned, president Chávez owes an apology to the devil.
James Mills
Hanover, New Hampshire, U.S.
I find it ironic that the U.S. has made such a fuss over Chávez’s remarks. At last, Americans have experienced what other countries feel when Bush spouts off. The big difference? Venezuela hasn’t attacked anyone.
Lorne G. Sykes
Caesarea, Canada
In discussing Chavez’s praise of Noam Chomsky’s book Hegemony or Survival at the U.N., Time stated that “only loyal fans still read” Chomsky’s work. That is light-years from the truth. Chomsky’s numerous books are featured on university reading lists around the globe. I include his work to encourage students to consider alternative interpretations of how power is used and how it is reported by the media. Even if one disputes Chomsky’s analyses, few people dispute the quality of his writing, the coherence of his arguments or the depth of his research. Love him or loathe him, Chomsky and others who challenge the world’s loudest voices play a vital role in maintaining pluralism, a fundamental feature of democracy.
Gary J. Merrill, Lecturer
Cardiff School of Journalism
Media and Cultural Studies
A War for Darfur?
Columnist Peter Beinart argued that military action may be the necessary solution to the horrendous situation in Darfur [Oct. 2]. He failed to mention the role that Muslim countries and leaders could play in pressuring Sudan to open up Darfur to U.N. peacekeeping troops. It is deeply disconcerting that the Muslim community and its leaders demonstrate an amazing capacity to orchestrate vocal opposition when they sense a slight to Islam yet fail dismally to channel equal energy into resolving the conflicts in Sudan and by extension in countries like Iraq. In brief: perhaps they need to focus less attention on the infidelity of the West and more on self-criticism and addressing the problems within Muslim-majority nations.
Govert P. Arends
Retford, England
No, not another invasion! What is needed to save Darfur is a demonstration of political will. The World Food Program and unicef have not fulfilled their aid pledges to Sudan, and the African Union forces lack funding and equipment. It is the European Union and its members that should offer the African Union all necessary support for a larger force. Political will right now from the E.U. would change the entire situation, making it easier to bring Russia, China and some Muslim countries on board. Surely the E.U. can agree at least about Darfur. The citizens of its member states do.
John Pedler
Sarlat, France
Thailand’s Military Takeover
The past five years under the democratically elected government of Thaksin Shinawatra were a nightmare [Oct. 2]. He was a tyrant in disguise. He bought votes to pave his way to power. He and his Cabinet members destroyed the system’s checks and balances, abused state power, blocked access to information and violently suppressed peaceful protests. Can you still call that democracy? We want democracy in practice as well as in form. Thaksin’s manipulation so deeply divided Thailand that the coup can be regarded as a coup de grâce, not a coup d’état. The military did not tear up our constitution and harm our democracy, since we had already materially lost them during the past five years under Thaksin’s regime.
Suwimon Issararaksa
In an immature democracy, an ultra-rich and clever person could manipulate elections by buying votes from poor people, then take advantage of loopholes in the constitution; and with complicated, time-consuming government procedures helping him, he could stay in power. He could use his position to fill senior government posts in the civil service, law enforcement and the military with his followers. That is what I believe happened in Thailand before the coup, the hijacking of our government in a very slick and seemingly lawful way.
Maung Maung Myint
Pathomthani, Thailand
Bridget Welsh’s viewpoint, “Damage assessment,” was the best analysis I have read on this coup. But it did not allow for a scenario of the return of a working democracy by October 2007 if the military sticks to its promises. Maybe the latest military coup should be viewed as the strong medicine Thailand needs to make it work for a better tomorrow. The military takeover should serve as a strong warning to future rulers to respect the letter and the spirit of Thailand’s constitution. The current coup leaders should take a lesson from the events of 1992, when the leaders tried to hang on to the power they had grabbed and were eventually forced to leave in disgrace. Going outside the system to save the system may be somewhat unpalatable to most lovers of democracy, but in the long run it could do more to perpetuate Thailand’s democracy.
Songdej Praditsmanont
Bangkok Please Feed the Models
Columnist Belinda Luscombe addressed the decision of the organizers of the Madrid fashion shows to bar from the runways any model who falls below a certain weight [Oct. 2]. Viva España! Viva Madrid! I have never met a man or woman who thinks those gaunt and pathetically unappealing models, who look like something from the worst of the World War II pow camps, do anything for clothes, fashion or themselves. It’s time we objected to the twisted concepts of the fashion-industry nitwits.
Louis C. Kleber
Las Vegas
Madrid’s ban on models who are too thin has started a conversation that may lead somewhere. If pressure is put on models, it may find its way up to designers and magazine photographers. The emphasis on skinny bodies is demeaning to women and encourages anorexia and bulimia. I know healthy women who are a size 4 or 6 and nonetheless diet to try to look like models. That is not good for anyone. When was the last time you saw men starving themselves to death for a career?
Lourdes Fernandez
Luscombe is right on target about who is to blame for malnourished fashion models: the designers. But the danger to women goes far beyond the fashion industry. As a psychologist, I am seeing an alarming increase in the parade of beautiful young women who enter my office hating their bodies and starving themselves to achieve an unattainable ideal. Any movement to stop this travesty should be lauded and supported. If Madrid outlaws the use of dangerously thin models in fashion work, perhaps that could begin to force those responsible to adapt.
Minna Baker
Narberth, Pennsylvania, U.S.
Folding Newspapers
Michael Kinsley’s piece on the apparently dismal future of the newspaper industry made some valid arguments about the value of traditional journalism [Oct. 2]. Kinsley’s attempt, however, to place most of the blame for newspapers’ decreasing readership on the Internet and bloggers — whom he characterized as “some acned 12-year-old in his parents’ basement recycling rumors” — is simply ridiculous. Kinsley’s hyperbolic criticism confirms many of the reasons for the general distrust of mainstream media.
Kristine F. Collins
Providence, Rhode Island, U.S.
Kinsley should ask why people visit blogs for information instead of getting their news from larger, mainstream media like newspapers. It is because organizations lose credibility when they make judgments that are wrong. I got the impression that Kinsley wants journalists to be above accountability, that no matter what they print they are above it all. But the marketplace decides which products survive and which don’t.
William Rolston
Torture on Trial
Ron Suskind’s viewpoint [Sept. 18] on the CIA torture of detained al-Qaeda operatives made clear that information obtained through torture or physical abuse is rarely of any use. When the President announced he would review our policy on torture, that should have been a rather short review. The U.S. is a signatory to international treaties and agreements that prohibit the use of torture or inhumane treatment of prisoners of war and belligerents. If we lower our standards to the level of the enemy, we can expect the same treatment for our own prisoners of war.
Raymond R. Mead
Whetstone, Arizona, U.S.
In order to have an intelligent discussion and decide what we will and will not tolerate, we need facts, not political correctness. When I think of torture, I think of ripping out fingernails or sending electrical current through the body. I believe that most Americans are against any interrogation methods that cause excruciating pain. That is far different, however, from duress or discomfort. I am not against our government’s using a variety of interrogation techniques, such as loud music and uncomfortable surroundings, especially when that could save U.S. lives.
Julie J. Marlay
Ottumwa, Iowa, U.S.
Suskind asserted that the CIA‘s torture of “high-value” al-Qaeda operatives was wrong, using the tired old refrain that prisoners of war deserve a certain amount of dignity. But members of al-Qaeda target civilians in the most horrific ways. On 9/11, thousands of people in the World Trade Center, in the Pentagon and on Flight 93 were burned or crushed to death. The lucky ones died instantly, but there were surely many who suffered excruciating pain for hours. Al-Qaeda will never give up, so it is critical to get information from its members that could prevent another attack. Do we need to see more Americans die before people stop showing concern for the well-being of suicidal, psychopathic killers?
Pierre Gauthier
Pointe-Claire, Canada
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