• U.S.

CONGRESS: The Senate Week Jun. 4, 1928

3 minute read

Work Done. Last week, the U. S. Senators:

¶ Amended and passed the Revenue Act of 1928 (tax reduction); sent it to conference; adopted the conference report. The bill went to the President (See col. 3).

¶ Passed the House bill authorizing $15,000,000 for hospitals to treat mentally afflicted World War veterans; sent it to the President.

¶ Sat through a 23-hour filibuster led by Tennessee’s McKellar on the conference report on the Muscle Shoals bill; adopted the report. The bill went to the President.

¶ Amended and passed the House bill of some $150,000,000 appropriations to meet administrative deficiencies incurred during this session, including $15,000,000 for Flood Control; $220,000 for submarine construction and research by the Navy; $1,197,500 for commercial aviation. The bill went to House-Senate conference, then to the President.

¶ Repassed over the President’s veto, 70 to 9 and 63 to 17, the House’s two postal-pay bills. Having been repassed by the House, the bills became law.

¶ Repassed over the President’s veto, 66 to 14, the Senate bill giving disabled volunteer officers of the War retirement pay on the same scale as retired regulars; sent it to the House.

¶ Repassed over the President’s veto, 57 to 22, the Senate bill authorizing $3,500,000 for roads through public domain; sent it to the House.

¶ Sustained the President’s veto of the Surplus Control Act (farm relief) by 31 votes to 50 (see p. 10).

¶ Voted down 44 to 22, the 16-ship Navy building bill. (Chairman Thomas S. Butler of the House Naval Affairs Committee 72-year-old Pennsylvania Quaker, died in his Washington apartment within a few hours of the Senate’s action. He had been prostrated since April by heart attack that followed his exertions in behalf of the Navy bill in the House. He had been in the House 31 consecutive years, longer than any other present member.)

¶ Voted down, 51 to 16, the bill to give Army Air Corps officers a special promotion list. (Charles Augustus Lindbergh had spoken for this bill; Assistant Secretary of War Trubee Davison has opposed.)

¶ Amended and passed the House bill to enlarge the U. S. barge service on the Mississippi and Warrior Rivers; sent it to conference.

¶ Passed a bill allowing application for adjusted service certificates (War Bonus) up to Jan. 2, 1930. (The previous time-limit expired Jan. 1, last.)

¶ Adopted a conference report on the bill reducing postal rates to 1920 and 1921 levels.

¶ Rejected the House resolution to adjourn May 27. (The Senators were tied, 40 to 40. Vice President Dawes cast his vote to keep Congress sitting. Friends of the Boulder Dam Bill were pleased.)

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