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SPAIN: Moroccan Notes

1 minute read

The General Workers’ Union at Madrid notified Marquis de Alhucemas, President of the Council (cabinet), that if military operations are begun in Morocco, the Union will vigorously oppose the Government.

El Sol (Madrid daily) said that Spain is spending more proportionally on armaments than any other nation in the world. The reason is principally on account of past operations in Morocco and the size of the garrison now stationed there.

The paper stated that 31% of the national revenue is spent on armamentswhile Belgium spends 9.3%, France 14.9%, Italy 16%, Britain 16.6%, U. S. A. 24%.

General Weyler, head of a special mission from the General Staff, left for Melilla to arrange for another campaign against the Riffians; the object being to restore Spanish power over that territory. The war, if undertaken, will mark the close of a year of troubled peace in Spanish Morocco.

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