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Books: RECENT & READABLE, Jul. 28, 1952

1 minute read

Journey to the For Pacific, by Thomas E. Dewey. A discerning and lively narrative of Dewey’s travels in 17 countries last year (TIME, July 21).

Matador, by Barnaby Conrad. Latest addition to the small shelf of good books about bullfighters (TIME, June 30).

Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl. How eight Jews escaped the Gestapo for two years by hiding in an Amsterdam office building; recorded in the memorable journal of a teen-age girl (TIME, June 16).

The Thurber Album. Back through the turns of time with James Thurber of Columbus, Ohio (TIME, June 2).

Winston Churchill, by Robert Lewis Taylor. A cheerfully anecdotal biography (TIME, June 2).

Witness. The testament of Whittaker Chambers (TIME, May 26).

The Time of the Assassins, by Godfrey Blunden. A tale of two fanaticisms—SS and NKVD—in the Ukrainian city of Kharkov (TIME, May 19).

The Golden Hand, by Edith Simon. Life & death in a fictional English village of the 14th century (TIME, April 28).

Invisible Man, by Ralph Ellison. A rousingly good first novel about the coming of age of a Negro boy (TIME, April 14).

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