Donald Trump Releases Attack Ad on Ted Cruz

1 minute read

Donald Trump and Ted Cruz’s rivalry escalated Friday when Trump released an attack ad specifically about Cruz and his stance on immigration.

The ad paints Cruz as soft on illegal immigration, playing clips of him stumbling over answers about the “Gang of Eight” comprehensive immigration reform bill he added amendments to in 2013.

In reality, Cruz opposed the bill. As the Huffington Post reported at the time, Cruz voted three times against moving the bill forward, and was “considered unwinnable as a “yes” vote for the legislation as a whole.”

Read More: Trump: Cruz Is ‘Worse Than Hillary’

The amendments he added, which would take away a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants and tie voter identification to the bill, were meant to serve as poison pills for the package as a whole.

Hypocrisy on immigration is a line of attack that Cruz has seized on against Trump as well. The Texas senator tweeted this Thursday, also referencing the “Gang of Eight” bill:

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