Warning: This post now contains major spoilers for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.
The Star Wars universe is a dangerous one, from its epic lightsaber battles to shootouts with clones to massive starship explosions. Throughout the saga, 111 major characters (defined as anyone who’s had some impact on the plot) have met their end.
Now that you’ve had a chance to continue the galaxy far, far away journey in The Rise of Skywalker, the final installment in the nine-part “Skywalker Saga” out Dec. 20, take a few minutes to remember all those who have been lost.
Note: This list, which is compiled in chronological order of events in the movies, covers deaths in the nine episodic Star Wars movies and Rogue One. It doesn’t include Star Wars Legends, the franchise’s expanded universe.
May the Force be with you.
Maoi Madakor
Role: Captain of the Radiant VII, the cruiser that flies Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan to the Trade Federation flagship
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Light
Time of death: Episode I: The Phantom Menace
And how: Blown up, along with her entire crew, inside the cruiser by the flagship’s laser blasters
Ratts Tyerell

Role: Podracer pilot in the Boonta Eve Classic
Species: Aleena
Side of the Force: Neutral
Time of death: Episode I: The Phantom Menace
And how: Crashed his podracer inside a cave and was killed in the explosion
Rya Kirsh
Role: N-1 starfighter pilot serving with Bravo Squadron in the Naboo Royal Space Fighter Corps
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Light
Time of death: Episode I: The Phantom Menace
And how: Blown up inside his starfighter during the Battle of Naboo
Daultay Dofine

Role: Trade Federation captain
Species: Neimoidian
Side of the Force: Neutral
Time of death: Episode I: The Phantom Menace
And how: Blown up inside the Droid Control Ship by Anakin during the Battle of Naboo
Tey How
Role: Served the Trade Federation
Species: Neimoidian
Side of the Force: Neutral
Time of death: Episode I: The Phantom Menace
And how: Blown up inside the Droid Control Ship by Anakin during the Battle of Naboo
Sil Unch
Role: Served the Trade Federation
Species: Neimoidian
Side of the Force: Neutral
Time of death: Episode I: The Phantom Menace
And how: Blown up inside the Droid Control Ship by Anakin during the Battle of Naboo
Qui-Gon Jinn

Role: Jedi Master who was the Padawan to Count Dooku and the mentor to Obi-Wan Kenobi
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Light
Time of death: Episode I: The Phantom Menace
And how: Stabbed with a lightsaber by Darth Maul
Darth Maul

Role: Dark Lord of the Sith
Species: Dathomirian Zabrak
Side of the Force: Dark
Time of death: Episode I: The Phantom Menace
And how: Cut in half with a lightsaber by Obi-Wan
Role: Decoy for Amidala
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Light
Time of death: Episode II: Attack of the Clones
And how: Killed in an explosion during an assassination attempt on Amidala
Zam Wesell

Role: Bounty hunter
Species: Clawdite
Side of the Force: Neutral
Time of death: Episode II: Attack of the Clones
And how: Shot with a toxic dart by Jango Fett before she could reveal his identity to Obi-Wan and Anakin
Shmi Skywalker

Role: Mother of Anakin
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Neutral
Time of death: Episode II: Attack of the Clones
And how: Tortured offscreen by a band of Tusken Raiders before dying onscreen in Anakin’s arms
Tusken Raiders

Role: A tribe of nomads native to Tatooine who kidnapped Shmi Skywalker and tortured her to death
Species: Tusken
Side of the Force: Neutral
Time of death: Episode II: Attack of the Clones
And how: Killed with a lightsaber by Anakin as revenge for killing his mother
Coleman Trebor
Role: Jedi Master and member of the Jedi High Council
Species: Vurk
Side of the Force: Light
Time of death: Episode II: Attack of the Clones
And how: Shot with a blaster by Jango Fett during the Battle of Geonosis
Jango Fett

Role: Bounty hunter and “father” of Boba Fett, his genetic clone
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Neutral
Time of death: Episode II: Attack of the Clones
And how: Decapitated with a lightsaber by Mace Windu during the Battle of Geonosis
Count Dooku (Darth Tyranus)

Role: Jedi Master turned Dark Lord of the Sith
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Light turned dark
Time of death: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
And how: Decapitated by Anakin under orders from Palpatine
Lushros Dofine
Role: Captain of Grievous’s flagship
Species: Neimoidian
Side of the Force: Neutral
Time of death: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
And how: Blown up inside his escape pod during the Battle of Coruscant
General Grievous

Role: Supreme Commander of the Droid Army of the Confederacy of Independent Systems
Species: Kaleesh
Side of the Force: Dark
Time of death: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
And how: Shot repeatedly in the stomach by Obi-Wan
Agen Kolar
Role: Jedi Master and a member of the Jedi High Council
Species: Zabrak
Side of the Force: Light
Time of death: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
And how: Killed with a lightsaber by Palpatine
Saesee Tiin

Role: Jedi Master and a member of the Jedi High Council
Species: Iktotchi
Side of the Force: Light
Time of death: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
And how: Killed with a lightsaber by Palpatine
Kit Fisto
Role: Jedi Master and a member of the Jedi High Council
Species: Nautolan
Side of the Force: Light
Time of death: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
And how: Killed with a lightsaber by Palpatine
Mace Windu

Role: Jedi Master and most senior member of the Jedi High Council after Grand Master Yoda
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Light
Time of death: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
And how: Fell to his death when he was sent flying out a window by Palpatine’s Force lightning after being betrayed by Anakin
Ki-Adi Mundi

Role: Jedi Master and member of the Jedi High Council
Species: Cerean
Side of the Force: Light
Time of death: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
And how: Shot by clones under orders from Palpatine to kill all Jedi
Aayla Secura

Role: Jedi Master
Species: Twi’lek
Side of the Force: Light
Time of death: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
And how: Shot by clones under orders from Palpatine to kill all Jedi
Plo Koon

Role: Jedi Master and member of the Jedi High Council
Species: Kel Dor
Side of the Force: Light
Time of death: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
And how: Blown up inside his starfighter by clones under orders from Palpatine to kill all Jedi
Stass Allie

Role: Jedi Master and member of the Jedi High Council
Species: Tholothian
Side of the Force: Light
Time of death: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
Means of executions: Shot down on her speeder by clones under orders from Palpatine to kill all Jedi
Role: Clone trooper commander during the Clone Wars
Species: Human (clone)
Side of the Force: Dark
Time of death: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
And how: Decapitated with a lightsaber by Yoda
Role: Force-sensitive children training to become Jedi
Species: Multiple
Side of the Force: Light
Time of death: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
And how: Killed with a lightsaber by Anakin under orders from Palpatine to kill all Jedi
Zett Jukassa
Role: Padawan serving the Jedi Order
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Light
Time of death: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
And how: Shot by clones under orders from Palpatine to kill all Jedi
Shu Mai
Role: Presidente of the Commerce Guild and a member of the Separatist Council
Species: Gossam
Side of the Force: Neutral
Time of death: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
And how: Killed with a lightsaber by Anakin under orders from Palpatine to kill all Separatist leaders
Cat Miin
Role: Chief aide to Shu Mai
Species: Gossam
Side of the Force: Neutral
Time of death: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
And how: Killed with a lightsaber by Anakin under orders from Palpatine to kill all Separatist leaders
Po Nudo
Role: Senator of the Galactic Republic and member of the Separatist Council
Species: Aqualish
Side of the Force: Neutral
Time of death: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
And how: Killed with a lightsaber by Anakin under orders from Palpatine to kill all Separatist leaders
Role: Senator of the Galactic Republic and member of the Separatist Council
Species: Quarren
Side of the Force: Neutral
Time of death: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
And how: Killed with a lightsaber by Anakin under orders from Palpatine to kill all Separatist leaders
Passel Argente
Role: Magistrate of the Corporate Alliance, and a member of the Galactic Senate and Separatist Council
Species: Koorivar
Side of the Force: Neutral
Time of death: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
And how: Killed with a lightsaber by Anakin under orders from Palpatine to kill all Separatist leaders
San Hill
Role: Chairman of the InterGalactic Banking Clan and a member of the Separatist Council
Species: Muun
Side of the Force: Neutral
Time of death: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
And how: Killed with a lightsaber by Anakin under orders from Palpatine to kill all Separatist leaders
Poggle the Lesser
Role: Archduke of Geonosis and a member of the Separatist Council
Species: Geonosian
Side of the Force: Neutral
Time of death: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
And how: Killed with a lightsaber by Anakin under orders from Palpatine to kill all Separatist leaders
Wat Tambor
Role: Foreman of the Techno Union and a member of the Separatist Council
Species: Skakoan
Side of the Force: Neutral
Time of death: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
And how: Killed with a lightsaber by Anakin under orders from Palpatine to kill all Separatist leaders
Rune Haako
Role: Official of the Trade Federation, lieutenant to Nute Gunray and a member of the Separatist Council
Species: Neimoidian
Side of the Force: Neutral
Time of death: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
And how: Killed with a lightsaber by Anakin under orders from Palpatine to kill all Separatist leaders
Nute Gunray
Role: Viceroy of the Trade Federation and a member of the Separatist Council
Species: Neimoidian
Side of the Force: Neutral
Time of death: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
And how: Killed with a lightsaber by Anakin under orders from Palpatine to kill all Separatist leaders
Padmé Amidala

Role: Queen of Naboo turned senator of Naboo, wife of Anakin, and mother of Luke and Leia
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Light
Time of death: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
And how: Choked using the Force by Anakin before losing the will to live after she realized what he had become
Lyra Erso
Role: Wife of Galen Erso and mother of Jyn Erso
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Light
Time of death: Rogue One
And how: Shot by a Death Trooper
Saw Gerrera

Role: Leader of Rebel group on Jedha
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Neutral
Time of death: Rogue One
And how: Killed in the aftermath of the Death Star’s destruction of Jedha City
Galen Erso

Role: Chief scientist responsible for the power of the Death Star and father of Jyn Erso
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Light
Time of death: Rogue One
And how: Died from wounds suffered during a Rebel assault on Eadu

Role: Reprogrammed Imperial droid serving the Rebel Alliance and member of Jyn Erso’s crew
Species: Droid
Side of the Force: Light
Time of death: Rogue One
And how: Shot by Storm Troopers during the Battle of Scarif
Chirrut Îmwe

Role: Guardian of the Whills, Rebel fighter and member of Jyn Erso’s crew
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Light
Time of death: Rogue One
And how: Hit by Imperial blaster fire during the Battle of Scarif
Bodhi Rook

Role: Defected Imperial pilot and member of Jyn Erso’s crew
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Light
Time of death: Rogue One
And how: Killed by a grenade during the Battle of Scarif
Baze Malbus
Role: Former Guardian of the Whills, protector of Chirrut Îmwe, Rebel fighter and member of Jyn Erso’s crew
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Light
Time of death: Rogue One
And how: Killed by a grenade during the Battle of Scarif
Orson Krennic

Role: Director of the Imperial Military’s Advanced Weapons Research division
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Dark
Time of death: Rogue One
And how: Killed by the Death Star’s destruction of the Scarif Imperial base
Cassian Andor

Role: Rebel fighter and member of Jyn Erso’s crew
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Light
Time of death: Rogue One
And how: Killed in the aftermath of the Death Star’s destruction of the Scarif Imperial base
Jyn Erso

Role: Rebel fighter who led the Rogue One mission on Scarif
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Light
Time of death: Rogue One
And how: Killed in the aftermath of the Death Star’s destruction of the Scarif Imperial base
Pello Scrambas
Role: Lieutenant for the Royal House of Alderaan
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Light
Time of death: Episode IV: A New Hope
And how: Shot with a blaster by Stormtroopers
Raymus Antilles
Role: Captain of the Tantive IV, a diplomatic cruiser serving the Rebel Alliance
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Light
Time of death: Episode IV: A New Hope
And how: Choked and thrown against a wall by Darth Vader
Owen Lars

Role: Uncle and adoptive father of Luke
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Neutral
Time of death: Episode IV: A New Hope
And how: Killed by Stormtroopers
Beru Whitesun Lars

Role: Aunt and adoptive mother of Luke
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Neutral
Time of death: Episode IV: A New Hope
And how: Killed by Stormtroopers
Cornelius Evazan (The Doctor)
Role: An outlaw notorious for maiming and killing patients during surgery
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Neutral
Time of death: Episode IV: A New Hope
And how: Killed with a lightsaber by Obi-Wan

Role: Bounty hunter
Species: Rodian
Side of the Force: Neutral
Time of death: Episode IV: A New Hope
And how: Shot with a blaster by Han Solo
Mod Terrik
Role: Imperial officer of a sandtrooper unit
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Dark
Time of death: Episode IV: A New Hope
And how: Killed during a shootout with Han Solo
Bail Organa

Role: Senator, First Chairman and Viceroy of Alderaan, and adoptive father of Leia
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Light
Time of death: Episode IV: A New Hope
And how: Killed, along with all the other inhabitants of Alderaan, when the Death Star blew up the planet
Pol Treidum
Role: Lieutenant aboard the first Death Star
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Dark
Time of death: Episode IV: A New Hope
And how: Killed by Chewbacca during the mission to rescue Leia
Devin Cant
Role: Trooper aboard the first Death Star
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Dark
Time of death: Episode IV: A New Hope
And how: Killed by Chewbacca during the mission to rescue Leia
Shann Childsen
Role: Lieutenant aboard the first Death Star
Species: Human
Side of the Force alliance: Dark
Time of death: Episode IV: A New Hope
And how: Shot by Luke during the battle to free Leia
Role: Trooper aboard the first Death Star
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Dark
Time of death: Episode IV: A New Hope
And how: Shot by Luke during the mission to rescue Leia
Role: Trooper aboard the first Death Star
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Dark
Time of death: Episode IV: A New Hope
And how: Killed during the mission to rescue Leia
Role: Trooper aboard the first Death Star
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Dark
Time of death: Episode IV: A New Hope
And how: Shot by Han during the mission to rescue Leia
Obi-Wan Kenobi

Role: Jedi Master who was the Padawan of Qui-Gon Jinn and the mentor to both Anakin and Luke
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Light
Time of death: Episode IV: A New Hope
And how: Allowed himself to be killed in a lightsaber duel with Darth Vader so Luke could escape the Death Star — he later returned as a Force ghost
Jek Porkins
Role: X-wing starfighter pilot serving with Red Squadron in the Rebel Alliance
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Light
Time of death: Episode IV: A New Hope
And how: Hit by turbolaser fire in his starfighter during the Battle of Yavin
John D. Branon
Role: X-wing starfighter pilot serving with Red Squadron in the Rebel Alliance
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Light
Time of death: Episode IV: A New Hope
And how: Blown up inside his starfighter by a TIE fighter during the Battle of Yavin
Dex Tiree
Role: Y-wing starfighter pilot serving with Gold Squadron in the Rebel Alliance
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Light
Time of death: Episode IV: A New Hope
And how: Blown up inside his starfighter by Darth Vader during the Battle of Yavin
Jon Vander
Role: Y-wing starfighter pilot serving with the Gold Squadron in the Rebel Alliance
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Light
Time of death: Episode IV: A New Hope
And how: Blown up inside his starfighter by Darth Vader during the Battle of Yavin
Davish Krail
Role: Y-wing starfighter pilot serving with Gold Squadron in the Rebel Alliance
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Light
Time of death: Episode IV: A New Hope
And how: Blown up inside his starfighter by Darth Vader during the Battle of Yavin
Puck Naeco
Role: X-wing starfighter pilot serving with Red Squadron in the Rebel Alliance
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Light
Time of death: Episode IV: A New Hope
And how: Blown up inside his starfighter by Darth Vader during the Battle of Yavin
Theron Nett

Role: X-wing starfighter pilot serving with Red Squadron in the Rebel Alliance
Species: Human
Side of the Force alliance: Light
Time of death: Episode IV: A New Hope
And how: Blown up inside his starfighter by a TIE fighter during the Battle of Yavin
Garven Dreis
Role: X-wing starfighter pilot serving with Red Squadron in the Rebel Alliance
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Light
Time of death: Episode IV: A New Hope
And how: Shot down in his starfighter by Darth Vader during the Battle of Yavin
Biggs Darklighter

Role: X-wing starfighter pilot serving with Red Squadron in the Rebel Alliance
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Light
Time of death: Episode IV: A New Hope
And how: Blown up inside his starfighter by Darth Vader during the Battle of Yavin
Wilhuff Tarkin

Role: Regional Governor of the Outer Rim and Commander of the first Death Star
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Dark
Time of death: Episode IV: A New Hope
And how: Blown up inside the first Death Star when Luke destroyed the ship during the Battle of Yavin
Conan Antonio Motti
Role: Head of Imperial Naval operations aboard the first Death Star
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Dark
Time of death: Episode IV: A New Hope
And how: Blown up inside the first Death Star when Luke destroyed the ship during the Battle of Yavin
Kendal Ozzel
Role: Commander of the Death Squadron
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Dark
Time of death: Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
And how: Choked using the Force by Darth Vader
Dak Ralter
Role: Starfighter pilot and gunner serving with Rogue Squadron in the Rebel Alliance
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Light
Time of death: Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
And how: Shot by a laser from an Imperial AT-AT Walker during the Battle of Hoth
Zev Senesca
Role: Starfighter pilot serving with Rogue Squadron in the Rebel Alliance
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Light
Time of death: Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
And how: Shot down by an Imperial AT-AT Walker during the Battle of Hoth
Lorth Needa
Role: Captain of the Avenger, an Imperial Star Destroyer
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Dark
Time of death: Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
And how: Choked using the Force by Darth Vader after he lost track of the Millennium Falcon
Role: Slave dancer in Jabba the Hutt’s court
Species: Twi’lek
Side of the Force: Neutral
Time of death: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
And how: Eaten alive by the rancor after Jabba dropped her into its pit
Role: One of Jabba the Hutt’s nine Gamorrean guards
Species: Gamorrean
Side of the Force: Neutral
Time of death: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
And how: Eaten alive by the rancor after Jabba dropped him into its pit
Boba Fett

Role: Bounty hunter
Species: Human (clone)
Side of the Force: Neutral
Time of death: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
And how: Inadvertently knocked into the sarlacc’s mouth by Han Solo*
*It is unknown if he managed to escape the sarlacc
Jabba the Hutt

Role: One of the most powerful crime lords in the galaxy
Species: Hutt
Side of the Force: Neutral
Time of death: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
And how: Strangled with a chain by Leia
Bib Fortuna

Role: Jabba the Hutt’s majordomo (head slave) and chief of staff
Species: Twi’lek
Side of the Force: Neutral
Time of death: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
And how: Aboard Jabba’s sail barge when it was destroyed
Salacious B. Crumb

Role: Jabba’s court jester
Species: Kowakian monkey-lizard
Side of the Force: Neutral
Time of death: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
And how: Aboard Jabba’s sail barge when it was destroyed

Role: Grand Master of the Jedi Order
Species: Unknown
Side of the Force: Light
Time of death: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
And how: Died of old age but later returned as a Force ghost
Role: Sergeant and scout trooper in the Stormtrooper Corps stationed on Endor
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Dark
Time of death: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
And now: Shot with a bowcaster by Chewbacca
Role: Sergeant and scout trooper in the Stormtrooper Corps stationed on Endor
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Dark
Time of death: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
And now: Crashed into a tree on his speeder bike
Role: Scout trooper in the Stormtrooper Corps stationed on Endor
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Dark
Time of death: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
And now: Crashed into a tree after his speeder bike was damaged by Luke
Role: Colonel in the Imperial Army and one of the commanders of the second Death Star’s shield generator bunker
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Dark
Time of death: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
And how: Fell over a platform railing after being hit with a box of explosive charges thrown by Han Solo
Role: Fought against the Imperial forces who were occupying Endor
Species: Ewok
Side of the Force: Light
Time of death: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
And how: Shot with a laser during the Battle of Endor
Ekelarc Yong
Role: Y-wing starfighter pilot serving with the Gray Squadron in the Rebel Alliance
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Light
Time of death: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
And how: Shot down in his starfighter by TIE fighters during the Battle of Endor
Role: Lieutenant and AT-ST driver in the Imperial Army
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Dark
Time of death: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
And how: Fell to his death after being thrown out of his AT-ST by Chewbacca
Keir Santage
Role: X-wing starfighter pilot in the Rebel Alliance
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Light
Time of death: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
And now: Shot down in his starfighter by a TIE fighter during the Battle of Endor
Grizz Frix
Role: X-wing starfighter pilot serving with Red Squadron in the Rebel Alliance
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Light
Time of death: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
And how: Blown up inside his starfighter during the Battle of Endor
Arvel Crynyd
Role: A-wing starfighter pilot serving with Green Squadron in the Rebel Alliance
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Light
Time of death: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
And now: Sacrificed himself by flying his starfighter into the bridge of the Super Star Destroyer Executor in order to destroy the ship during the Battle of Endor
Role: Officer of the Imperial Navy who served aboard the Super Star Destroyer Executor
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Light
Time of death: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
And how: Killed when Arvel Crynyd crashed his starfighter into the Executor‘s bridge during the Battle of Endor
Firmus Piett
Role: First officer on the Super Star Destroyer Executor
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Light
Time of death: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
And how: Killed when Arvel Crynyd crashed his starfighter into the Executor‘s bridge during the Battle of Endor
Anakin Skywalker (Darth Vader)

Role: Chosen One of Jedi prophecy, Padawan of Obi-Wan, Jedi Knight of the Galactic Republic, husband of Padmé, father of Luke and Leia, and Sith Lord of the Galactic Empire
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Light turned dark turned light
Time of death: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
And how: Sacrificed himself to kill Palpatine and save Luke — bringing balance to the Force and fulfilling the prophecy of the Chosen One — but later returned as a Force ghost
Han Solo

Role: Smuggler, Captain of the Millennium Falcon, and member of the Rebel Alliance and the Resistance
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Light
Time of death: Episode VII: The Force Awakens
And how: Stabbed with a lightsaber by his son Kylo Ren after pleading with him to return to the Light Side
Paige Tico
Role: Resistance fighter and Rose Tico’s sister
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Light
Time of death: Episode VIII: The Last Jedi
And how: Sacrificed herself to bring down a First Order Dreadnought battleship during the Resistance’s evacuation of D’Qar

Role: Admiral in the Rebel Alliance and Resistance
Species: Mon Calamari
Side of the Force: Light
Time of death: Episode VIII: The Last Jedi
And how: Blown up inside the Raddus by the First Order during the Resistance’s evacuation of D’Qar
Role: Supreme Leader of the First Order
Species: Humanoid alien
Side of the Force: Dark
Time of death: Episode VIII: The Last Jedi
And how: Stabbed with a Force-controlled lightsaber by Kylo Ren
Amilyn Holdo

Role: Vice Admiral in the Resistance
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Light
Time of death: Episode VIII: The Last Jedi
And how: Sacrificed herself by jumping the Raddus into lightspeed through the Supremacy during the Resistance’s evacuation to Crait

Role: Captain in the First Order
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Dark
Time of death: Episode VIII: The Last Jedi
And how: Fell into the fire consuming the Supremacy after being beaten by Finn in hand-to-hand combat
Luke Skywalker

Role: Jedi Master who was the son of Anakin and Padmé, Padawan of Obi-Wan and Yoda, and mentor to Ben Solo and Rey
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Light
Time of death: Episode VIII: The Last Jedi
And how: Surrendered himself to the Force after casting a projection of himself to Crait to battle Kylo Ren but later returned as a Force ghost
Role: General in the First Order
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Dark turned spy for Light
Time of death: Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker
And how: Shot by General Pryde for supplying the Resistance with classified First Order information
Role: General in the First Order
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Dark
Time of death: Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker
And how: Blown up inside the First Order’s flagship destroyer during the battle of Exogal
Leia Organa

Role: Princess of the planet Alderaan, member of the Imperial Senate, agent of the Rebel Alliance and general in the Resistance who was the daughter of Anakin and Padmé, wife of Han Solo, mother of Ben Solo and mentor to Rey
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Light
Time of death: Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker
And how: Channeled her remaining life force into reaching her son through the Force to bring him back to the Light Side but later returned as a Force ghost
Emperor Palpatine (Darth Sidious)

Role: Sith Lord who was the last Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic, Emperor of the Galactic Empire and mastermind behind the First Order
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Dark
Time of death: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi and Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker
And how: Cheated death after being thrown down the reactor shaft of the second Death Star by Darth Vader before being killed by his own Force lightning rebounding off Rey’s lightsabers
Ben Solo (Kylo Ren)

Role: Supreme Leader of the First Order who was the son of Han and Leia, Padawan of Luke, apprentice to Snoke and master of the Knights of Ren
Species: Human
Side of the Force: Light turned dark turned light
Time of death: Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker
And how: Became one with the Force after transferring his remaining energy into Rey to save her life
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Write to Megan McCluskey at megan.mccluskey@time.com