Morning Must Reads: August 10

3 minute read

The Republican primary was again all about Donald Trump, following his blow-up against Fox News host Megyn Kelly over the weekend. The GOP front-runner was disinvited from the conservative RedState conference after criticizing the debate moderator, as his rivals were forced to address his comments that were apparently critical of women. A crop of rising-star conservative women played a key role in banishing Trump from the event, as leaders struggle with how to handle a candidate they abhor, but who is supported by their followers.

Hillary Clinton is announcing her college affordability plan in New Hampshire Monday, centered around making four-year college debt-free, and two-year community college programs tuition-free. Meanwhile, Bernie Sanders is continuing to draw record crowds on the campaign trail.

Protests marking one year after the shooting of unarmed black man Michael Brown by a white police officer, were interrupted by a hail of bullets late Sunday, with an alleged gunman shot and critically injured by police. President Obama said in an interview that he feels additional urgency to address the divide between police and the communities they serve in his waning time in office, but maintained he would have responded to Ferguson the same way if it happened during his first term.

Here are your must-reads:

Must Reads

Trump’s Remarks on Women Cost Him This Weekend
Inside the conservative backlash over his comments on Megyn Kelly [TIME]

Clinton to Propose a Plan to Make College More Affordable
The Democrat calls for debt-free four year colleges and tuition-free community colleges in $350 billion plan [TIME]

Similarities Aside, Bernie Sanders Isn’t Rerunning Howard Dean’s 2004 Race
Sanders’ disciplined campaign stands out [New York Times]

Man shot by officers in Ferguson after he fired on SUV, police say
On anniversary of Michael Brown shooting [St. Louis Post Dispatch]

Sound Off

“I will be phenomenal to the women. I want to help women. What Jeb Bush said last week I thought was totally out of order.” — Donald Trump declining to apologize Sunday on Face the Nation and criticizing Jeb Bush’s comments last week on women’s health

“I think it’s fair to say that if, in my first term, Ferguson had flared up, as president of the United States, I would have been commenting on what was happening in Ferguson.” — President Obama in an interview with NPR marking the one-year anniversary of Ferguson, but he added, “I feel a great urgency to get as much done as possible.”

Bits and Bites

Donald Trump Spars With Former Top Aide Over Exit [TIME]

Ted Cruz Says GOP Rivals Are Masquerading as ‘Campaign Conservatives’ [TIME]

Bernie Sanders Draws 28,000 People in Portland [Washington Post]

Here’s Roughly Every Controversial Thing Donald Trump Has Ever Said Out Loud [TIME]

Ben Carson Shares Life Story at Sunday Church Service [Des Moines Register]

Here’s the One Word Each Republican Candidate Wants You to Remember [TIME]

Trump Sells His Penthouse for $21.38 Million [New York Times]

Crowded GOP Field? Historically New Hampshire Primaries Have Been Even Larger [Union Leader]

Rubio: If I Comment on Everything Trump Says “My Whole Campaign Will Be Consumed By It” [NBC News]

The Democratic National Committee Compares Rubio to Akin [YouTube]



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