Warning: This post contains spoilers for Game of Thrones.
Game of Thrones is finally over, and nearly 130 characters lost their lives before someone broke the wheel in Westeros. In the final episode, Daenerys was able to sit on the Iron Throne for the first and last time before she was killed by Jon Snow for her power-hungry ways. Without a queen to rule, Tyrion proposed that the lords of Seven Kingdoms elect a king, and they chose Bran, who, after so much bloodshed, seemed poised to usher in an era of peace.
Dany joins a long list of men and women who have met a violent end on Game of Thrones. While this list doesn’t record every named soldier who’s had his throat slit, it is a comprehensive account (in chronological order) of now deceased characters who had some major impact on the plot. You’ll be surprised how many you’ve already forgotten.
This list was compiled based on events on the Game of Thrones TV show, not on George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire book series upon which the HBO show is based.

Role: Ranger of the Night’s Watch
Time of death: Season 1, Episode 1
Means of execution: Beheaded for desertion by Ned Stark
Likelihood of return: 0%
Jon Arryn

Role: Hand to the King before Ned Stark
Time of death: Season 1, Episode 1
Means of execution: Poisoned by Lysa Arryn and Littlefinger
Likelihood of return: 0%
Jory Cassel

Role: Captain of the guards to House Stark
Time of death: Season 1, Episode 5
Means of execution: Stabbed by Jaime Lannister through the eye
Likelihood of return: 0%
Benjen Stark

Role: First Ranger of the Night’s Watch, Brother of Ned Stark
Time of death: Season 1, Episode 7
Means of execution: Killed by White Walkers
Likelihood of return: 10% (Benjen was attacked by White Walkers and left for dead, but the Children of the Forest prevented him from becoming a wight. He lived on until he saved Jon Snow beyond the Wall, at which point he was attacked by White Walkers again and presumably killed.)
Robert Baratheon

Role: Lord of the Seven Kingdoms
Time of death: Season 1, Episode 7
Means of execution: Mortally wounded by a wild boar after drinking wine given to him by Lancel Lannister at Cersei Lannister’s command
Likelihood of return: 0%

Role: Septa at Winterfell and tutor to the Stark girls in King’s Landing
Time of death: Season 1, Episode 8
Means of execution: Executed by the Lannister men following the arrest of Ned Stark for treason
Likelihood of return: 0%
Syrio Forel

Role: Master sword fighter and Arya Stark’s instructor in combat
Time of death: Season 1, Episode 8
Means of execution: Presumably killed by Ser Meryn in a sword fight (he was only armed with a training sword)
Likelihood of return: 30% (We never actually see him die. He was a master swordsman, after all.)
Eddard Stark

Role: Hand of the King and Lord of the North
Time of death: Season 1, Episode 9
Means of execution: Beheaded by Ser Ilyn Payne at the order of Joffrey Baratheon
Likelihood of return: 0%
Viserys Targaryen

Role: Exiled head of House Targaryen and brother to Daenerys Targaryen
Time of death: Season 1, Episode 6
Means of execution: Khal Drogo pours molten gold on his head at Daenerys’ command
Likelihood of return: 0%

Role: Chieftain of the Dothraki people and husband of Daenerys Targaryen
Time of death: Season 1, Episode 10
Means of execution: Smothered by Daenerys Targaryen in a mercy killing after a spell by Mirri Maz Duur leaves him in a catatonic state
Likelihood of return: 0% (Unless it’s in another vision like Daenerys had in season 2)
Role: Son of Khal Drogo and Khaleesi Daenerys Targaryen
Time of death: Season 1, Episode 10
Means of execution: Stillborn because of a blood magic ritual performed by Mirri Maz Duur
Likelihood of return: 0%
Mirri Maz Duur

Role: Enslaved godswife
Time of death: Season 1, Episode 10
Means of execution: Burned alive on Drogo’s funeral pyre by Daenerys Targaryen
Likelihood of return: 0%

Role: Dothraki bodyguard to Daenerys Targaryen
Time of death: Season 2, Episode 2
Means of execution: Killed and decapitated by a rival khalasar while scouting the Red Waste
Likelihood of return: 0%

Role: Recruiter for the Night’s Watch
Time of death: Season 2, Episode 3
Means of execution: Killed by Ser Amory Lorch, loyal to House Lannister, in a fight
Likelihood of return: 0%
Renly Baratheon

Role: Master of Laws, Claimant to the Iron Throne, brother of Robert and Stannis Baratheon
Time of death: Season 2, Episode 5
Means of execution: Killed by a shadow with Stannis Baratheon’s face that was birthed by Melisandre
Likelihood of return: 0%
Rodrik Cassel

Role: Master-at-Arms at Winterfell, Servant of House Stark
Time of death: Season 2, Episode 6
Means of execution: Decapitated by Theon Greyjoy
Likelihood of return: 0%

Role: Dothraki handmaiden to Daenerys Targaryen
Time of death: Season 2, Episode 7
Means of execution: Murdered during Xaro Xhoan Daxos’ theft of the dragons at Qarth
Likelihood of return: 0%
Maester Luwin

Role: Maester of Winterfell
Time of death: Season 2, Episode 10
Means of execution: Osha ends his suffering after he is stabbed with a spear by ironborn raider Dagmer
Likelihood of return: 0%

Role: Night’s Watch ranger
Time of death: Season 2, Episode 10
Means of execution: Killed by Jon Snow (at Qhorin’s own behest) in order to trick the Wildlings into thinking Jon has left the Night’s Watch
Likelihood of return: 0%
Pyat Pree

Role: Warlock from Qarth, Member of the Thirteen
Time of death: Season 2, Episode 10
Means of execution: Burned alive by Daenerys Targaryen’s dragons
Likelihood of return: 0%

Role: Handmaiden to Daenerys Targaryen
Time of death: Season 2, Episode 10
Means of execution: Locked with Xaro Xhoan Daxos inside a Valyrian stone vault by Jorah Mormont at the order of Daenerys Targaryen
Likelihood of return: 1% (We didn’t actually see her die, but unlikely save a miracle)
Xaro Xhoan Daxos

Role: Merchant in Qarth
Time of death: Season 2, Episode 10
Means of execution: Locked in a Valyrian stone vault by Jorah Mormont on the orders of Daenerys Targaryen
Likelihood of return: 1% (Again, we didn’t actually see him die)
Hoster Tully
Role: Lord of Riverrun, Father of Edmure Tully, Catelyn Stark and Lysa Arryn
Time of death: Season 3, Episode 3
Means of execution: Illness
Likelihood of return: 0%
Jeor Mormont

Role: Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch
Time of death: Season 3, Episode 4
Means of execution: Stabbed to death by Night’s Watchman Rast during a mutiny
Likelihood of return: 0%
Role: A Wildling who lived with his daughter-wives beyond the Wall
Time of death: Season 3, Episode 4
Means of execution: Killed by Karl Tanner, a Night’s Watchman
Likelihood of return: 0%

Role: Salve-trader in Slaver’s Bay and one of the Good Masters
Time of death: Season 3, Episode 4
Means of execution: Burned alive by Drogon after he tries to trade the Unsullied for the dragon and insults Daenerys
Likelihood of return: 0%
Beric Dondarrion

Role: Leader of Brotherhood Without Banners
Time of death: Season 3, Episode 5
Means of execution: Killed by the Hound in trial by combat
Likelihood of return: 100% (He’s already back! Thoros of Myr has resuscitated Dondarrion six times via prayers to the Lord of Light)

Role: Prostitute in Littlefinger’s brothel and spy for Varys
Time of death: Season 3, Episode 6
Means of execution: Shot by Joffrey Baratheon with a crossbow
Likelihood of return: 0%
Talisa Stark

Role: Wife of Robb Stark
Time of death: Season 3, Episode 9
Means of execution: Stabbed in the stomach while pregnant by Lothar Frey at the Red Wedding
Likelihood of return: 0%
Robb Stark

Role: King of the North, son of Lord Eddard Stark and Lady Catelyn of Winterfell
Time of death: Season 3, Episode 9
Means of execution: Shot by a Frey crossbowman and then stabbed through the heart by Roose Bolton at the Red Wedding
Likelihood to return: 0%
Catelyn Stark

Role: Wife of Eddard Stark, Mother of Robb, Sansa, Arya, Bran and Rickon
Time of death: Season 3, Episode 9
Means of execution: Throat slit by Black Walder Rivers at the Red Wedding
Likelihood of return: 0%
Role: Man-at-arms for House Lannister
Time of death: Season 4, Episode 1
Means of execution: Stabbed in the throat by Arya Stark
Likelihood of return: 0%
Role: Servant of House Bolton
Time of death: Season 4, Episode 2
Means of execution: Hunted down by Ramsay Snow and eaten by his dogs
Likelihood of return: 0%
Joffrey Baratheon

Role: Lord of the Seven Kingdoms
Time of death: Season 4, Episode 2
Means of execution: Poisoned at the Purple Wedding by Olenna Tyrell and Littlefinger
Likelihood of return: 0%
Karl Tanner

Role: Brother of the Night’s Watch, leader of the mutiny at Craster’s Keep
Time of death: Season 4, Episode 5
Means of execution: Impaled by Jon Snow during the raid on Craster’s Keep
Likelihood of return: 0%

Role: Man-at-arms for House Bolton
Time of death: Season 4, Episode 5
Means of execution: Neck snapped by Bran Stark while Bran is warging into Hodor
Likelihood of return: 0%

Role: Ranger in the Night’s Watch
Time of death: Season 4, Episode 5
Means of execution: Ripped apart by Jon’s direwolf, Ghost, during the raid on Craster’s Keep
Likelihood to return: 0%
Lysa Arryn

Role: Lady Regent of the Vale, sister to Catelyn Stark, briefly the wife of Littlefinger
Time of death: Season 4, Episode 7
Means of execution: Pushed out of the Moon Door by Littlefinger
Likelihood of return: 0%
Oberyn Martell

Role: Prince of the House Martell
Time of death: Season 4, Episode 8
Means of execution: Skull crushed by the Mountain in a trial by combat
Likelihood of return: 0%
The Mountain

Role: Knight and Head of House Clegane, loyal to House Lannister
Time of death: Season 4, Episode 8
Means of execution: Poisoned by the spear of Oberyn Martell in a trial by combat
Likelihood of return: 100% (Reanimated by Qyburn)

Role: Ranger in the Night’s Watch
Time of death: Season 4, Episode 9
Means of execution: Killed fighting the giant Mag the Mighty in the Battle of Castle Black
Likelihood of return: 0%
Mag the Mighty

Role: Giant fighting in Mance Rayder’s army
Time of death: Season 4, Episode 9
Means of execution: Killed by Grenn and five other members of the Night’s Watch in the Battle of Castle Black
Likelihood of return: 0%

Role: Brother of the Night’s Watch
Time of death: Season 4, Episode 9
Means of execution: Shot through the neck with an arrow by Ygritte during the Battle of Castle Black
Likelihood of return: 0%

Role: Thenn fighting in Mance Rayder’s army
Time of death: Season 4, Episode 9
Means of execution: Bludgeoned in the head with a hammer by Jon Snow during the Battle of Castle Black
Likelihood of return: 0%

Role: Soldier in Mance Rayder’s army and Jon Snow’s lover
Time of death: Season 4, Episode 9
Means of execution: Shot with an arrow by Olly in the Battle of Castle Black
Likelihood of return: 0%
Jojen Reed

Role: Warg, brother of Meera Reed, traveling companion of Bran Stark
Time of death: Season 4, Episode 10
Means of execution: Mercy killed by Meera after being stabbed multiple times by a wight; burned by a fireball thrown by “the Children”
Likelihood of return: 30% (Could Jojen have warged into someone or something before he died?)

Role: Prostitute and girlfriend of Tyrion Lannister
Time of death: Season 4, Episode 10
Means of execution: Strangled to death by Tyrion Lannister
Likelihood of return: 0%
Tywin Lannister

Role: Head of House Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock, father of Cersei, Jaime and Tyrion Lannister
Time of death: Season 4, Episode 10
Means of execution: Shot on the toilet by Tyrion with a crossbow
Likelihood of return: 0%
Mance Rayder

Role: Leader of the Free Folk
Time of death: Season 5, Episode 1
Means of execution: Shot with a mercy arrow by Jon Snow before he’s burned alive
Likelihood of return: 0%
Janos Slynt

Role: Former commander of the City Watch in King’s Landing, exiled to Night’s Watch by Tyrion Lannister
Time of death: Season 5, Episode 3
Means of execution: Beheaded for insubordination by Jon Snow
Likelihood of return: 0%
Barristan Selmy

Role: Former member of the Kingsguard, advisor of Daenerys Targaryen
Time of death: Season 5, Episode 4
Means of execution: Killed fighting the Sons of the Harpy in Meereen
Likelihood of return: 0%
Maester Aemon

Role: Maester at Castle Black
Time of death: Season 5, Episode 7
Means of execution: Dies of old age
Likelihood of return: 0%

Role: Chieftainess of the Ice-river clans
Time of death: Season 5, Episode 8
Means of execution: Mauled to death by Wights
Likelihood of return: 100% (We see her become a wight)
Shireen Baratheon

Role: Daughter of Stannis and Selyse Baratheon
Time of death: Season 5, Episode 9
Means of execution: Burned alive as a sacrifice to the Lord of Light by Melisandre at the order of Stannis Baratheon
Likelihood of return: 0%
Hizdahr zo Loraq

Role: Scion of the House Loraq, former slave trader, husband of Daenerys Targaryen
Time of death: Season 5, Episode 9
Means of execution: Stabbed to death by the Sons of the Harpy
Likelihood of return: 0%
Selyse Baratheon

Role: Wife of Stannis Baratheon
Time of death: Season 5, Episode 10
Means of execution: Hangs herself following the death of her daughter
Likelihood of return: 0%
Stannis Baratheon

Role: Lord of Dragonstone, brother of Robert and Renly Baratheon, claimant to the Iron Throne
Time of death: Season 5, Episode 10
Means of execution: Executed by Brienne of Tarth
Likelihood of return: 50% (We don’t actually see Brienne kill Stannis)

Role: Servant of House Bolton and Ramsay Snow’s lover
Time of death: Season 5, Episode 10
Means of execution: Pushed off a ledge by Theon Grejoy
Likelihood of return: 0%
Meryn Trant

Role: Knight in the Kingsguard
Time of death: Season 5, Episode 10
Means of execution: Blinded and stabbed before having his throat slit by Arya Stark
Likelihood of return: 0%
Myrcella Baratheon

Role: Daughter of Cersei Lannister and Jaime Lannister, sister to King Tommen Baratheon
Time of death: Season 5, Episode 10
Means of execution: Poisoned with a kiss by Ellaria Sand with the help of the Sand Snakes
Likelihood of return: 0%
Jon Snow

Role: Commander of the Night’s Watch, bastard son of Eddard Stark (or maybe not)
Time of death: Season 5, Episode 10
Means of execution: Stabbed by Night’s Watch mutineers, including Alliser Thorne and Olly
Likelihood of return: 100% (Resurrected by Melisandre)
Areo Hotah

Role: Captain of the Guard for the Martells
Time of death: Season 6, Episode 1
Means of execution: Stabbed in the back by Tyene, one of the Sand Snakes
Likelihood of return: 0%
Doran Martell

Role: Prince of Dorne
Time of death: Season 6, Episode 1
Means of execution: Stabbed in the chest by Ellaria Sand
Likelihood of return: 0%
Trystane Martell

Role: Prince of Dorne, betrothed to Myrcella
Time of death: Season 6, Episode 1
Means of execution: Impaled through the back of the head by Obara, one of the Sand Snakes
Likelihood of return: 0%
The Flasher
Role: Man who flashes Cersei Lannister during her walk of atonement
Time of death: Season 6, Episode 2
Means of execution: Head smashed against a wall by Gregor Clegane, a.k.a The Mountain
Likelihood of return: 0%
Roose Bolton

Role: Lord of the Dreadfort, Warden of the North
Time of death: Season 6, Episode 2
Means of execution: Stabbed in the chest by his own son, Ramsay Bolton
Likelihood of return: 0%
Walda Bolton

Role: Wife to Roose Bolton, granddaughter of Walder Frey
Time of death: Season 6, Episode 2
Means of execution: Mauled to death by Ramsay Bolton’s dogs
Likelihood of return: 0%
Unnamed Bolton Child

Role: Child of Roose and Walda Bolton
Time of death: Season 6, Episode 2
Means of execution: Mauled to death by Ramsay Bolton’s dogs
Likelihood of return: 0%
Balon Greyjoy

Role: Lord of the Iron Islands
Time of death: Season 6, Episode 2
Means of execution: Thrown from a bridge by his brother, Euron Greyjoy
Likelihood of return: 0%
Alliser Thorne

Role: Acting Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch
Time of death: Season 6, Episode 3
Means of execution: Hanged for treason by Jon Snow
Likelihood of return: 0%

Role: Steward of the Night’s Watch
Time of death: Season 6, Episode 3
Means of execution: Hanged for treason by Jon Snow
Likelihood of return: 0%
Ser Arthur Dayne
Role: Member of the Kingsguard of King Aerys II Targaryen
Time of death: Season 6, Episode 3 in a flashback
Means of execution: Stabbed in the back by Howland Reed and partially decapitated by Ned Stark
Likelihood of return: 0%

Role: Wildling loyal to Rickon Stark
Time of death: Season 6, Episode 4
Means of execution: Stabbed in the neck by Ramsay Bolton
Likelihood of return: 0%
Khal Moro

Role: Khal who presides over khalar vezhven
Time of death: Season 6, Episode 4
Means of execution: Burned alive along with the other khals by Daenerys Targaryen
Likelihood of return: 0%
Three-Eyed Raven

Role: Sorcerer and Bran’s mentor
Time of death: Season 6, Episode 5
Means of execution: Killed by the Night King
Likelihood of return: 25% (Yes, his body is gone, but with time travel in play Bran could be seeing him again)

Role: Child of the Forest
Time of death: Season 6, Episode 5
Means of execution: Committed suicide with explosive device when attacked by Wights to save Bran
Likelihood of return: 0%

Role: Servant to the House Stark
Time of death: Season 6, Episode 5
Means of execution: Torn apart by Wights
Likelihood of return: 0%
Aerys II Targaryen, “The Mad King”

Role: Lord of the Seven Kingdoms
Time of death: Season 6, Episode 6 in a flashback
Means of execution: Stabbed in the back by Jaime Lannister
Likelihood of return: 0%
Brother Ray

Role: Faith of the Seven Septon
Time of death: Season 6, Episode 7
Means of execution: Hanged by rogue members of the Brotherhood Without Banners
Likelihood of return: 0%

Role: Member of Brotherhood Without Banners
Time of death: Season 6, Episode 8
Means of execution: Hanged by the Hound
Likelihood of return: 0%
Brynden Tully (The Blackfish)

Role: Lord of Riverrun
Time of death: Season 6, Episode 8
Means of execution: Killed defending Riverrun
Likelihood of return: 50% (We don’t actually see the Blackfish killed)
Lady Crane

Role: Actress in Braavos
Time of death: Season 6, Episode 8
Means of execution: Throat slit by the Waif
Likelihood of return: 0%
The Waif

Role: Acolyte of the Faceless Men
Time of death: Season 6, Episode 8
Means of Execution: Killed by Arya Stark
Likelihood of return: 0%
Razdal mo Eraz

Role: Wise Master
Time of death: Season 6, Episode 9
Means of execution: Throat cut by Grey Worm
Likelihood of return: 0%
Belicho Paenymion
Role: Volantis Nobleman
Time of death: Season 6, Episode 9
Means of execution: Throat cut by Grey Worm
Likelihood of return: 0%
Rickon Stark

Role: Lord of House Stark
Time of death: Season 6, Episode 9
Means of execution: Shot with an arrow in the back by Ramsay Bolton
Likelihood of return: 0%
Jon Umber
Role: Lord of House Umber
Time of death: Season 6, Episode 9
Means of execution: Throat torn out and head stabbed by Tormund
Likelihood of return: 0%
Wun Weg Wun Dar Wun

Role: Giant in Wildling army
Time of death: Season 6, Episode 9
Means of execution: Shot through the eye by Ramsay Bolton
Likelihood of return: 50% (Bran has a vision of a giant that looks like Wun-Wun as a wight)
Ramsay Bolton

Role: Warden of the North
Time of Death: Season 6, Episode 9
Means of execution: Eaten alive by his hounds on the order of Sansa Stark
Likelihood of return: 0%
Grand Maester Pycelle

Role: Grand Maester in King’s Landing
Time of Death: Season 6, Episode 10
Means of execution: Stabbed by one of Quburn’s little birds
Likelihood of return: 0%

Role: A brother with the Sparrows
Time of Death: Season 6, Episode 10
Means of execution: Stabbed by one of Qyburn’s little birds, blown up by wildfire
Likelihood of return: 0%
The High Sparrow

Role: High Septon
Time of Death: Season 6, Episode 10
Means of execution: Burned alive in a wildfire explosion orchestrated by Cersei
Likelihood of return: 0%
Loras Tyrell

Role: Former Lord Commander
Time of Death: Season 6, Episode 10
Means of execution: Burned alive in a wildfire explosion orchestrated by Cersei
Likelihood of return: 0%
Mace Tyrell

Role: Lord of Highgarden, Warden of the South
Time of Death: Season 6, Episode 10
Means of execution: Burned alive in a wildfire explosion orchestrated by Cersei
Likelihood of return: 0%
Kevan Lannister
Role: Hand of the King
Time of Death: Season 6, Episode 10
Means of execution: Burned alive in a wildfire explosion orchestrated by Cersei
Likelihood of return: 0%
Margaery Tyrell

Role: Queen of the Seven Kingdoms
Time of Death: Season 6, Episode 10
Means of execution: Burned alive in a wildfire explosion orchestrated by Cersei
Likelihood of return: 0%
Tommen Baratheon

Role: Lord of the Seven Kingdoms
Time of Death: Season 6, Episode 10
Means of execution: Committed suicide by jumping from a window following Maergery’s death by wildfire as orchestrated by Cersei
Likelihood of return: 0%
Walder Rivers

Role: Bastard son of Walder Frey
Time of Death: Season 6, Episode 10
Means of execution: Killed and baked in a pie by Arya Stark
Likelihood of return: 0%
Lothar Frey
Role: Son of Walder Frey
Time of Death: Season 6, Episode 10
Means of execution: Killed and baked into a pie by Arya Stark
Likelihood of return: 0%
Walder Frey

Role: Lord of the Crossing, Lord of Riverrun
Time of Death: Season 6, Episode 10
Means of execution: Throat slit by Arya Stark
Likelihood of return: 0%
Lyanna Stark

Role: Sister of Eddard Stark, Mother of Jon Snow
Time of Death: Season 6, Episode 10
Means of execution: Died after giving birth to Jon Snow during Robert’s Rebellion
Likelihood of return: 0%
Nymeria Sand

Role: Daughter of Oberyn Martell, Sand Snake
Time of Death: Season 7, Episode 2
Means of execution: Strangled by Euron Greyjoy
Likelihood of return: 0%
Obara Sand

Role: Daughter of Oberyn Martell, Sand Snake
Time of Death: Season 7, Episode 2
Means of execution: Stabbed by Euron Greyjoy
Likelihood of return: 0%
Tyene Sand

Role: Daughter of Oberyn Martell and Ellaria Sand; Sand Snake
Time of death: Season 7, Episode 3
Means of execution: Poisoned with a kiss by Cersei Lannister
Likelihood of return: 1% (We didn’t see her die, but she’s a goner.)
Olenna Tyrell

Role: Head of House Tyrell, Queen of Thorns, grandmother to Margaery and Loras Tyrell
Time of Death: Season 7, Episode 3
Means of execution: Poisoned by Jaime Lannister on the order of Cersei Lannister after the Lannisters defeated the Tyrells at Highgarden
Likelihood of return: 0%
Randyll Tarly

Role: Lord of Horn Hill, Father of Samwell and Dickon Tarly
Time of death: Season 7, Episode 5
Means of execution: Burned alive by Drogon on the order of Daenerys Targaryen
Likelihood of return: 0%
Dickon Tarly

Role: Son of Randyll Tarly and brother of Samwell Tarly
Time of death: Season 7, Episode 5
Means of execution: Burned alive by Drogon on the order of Daenerys Targaryen
Likelihood of return: 0%
Thoros of Myr

Role: Red priest of the Lord of Light, member of Brotherhood Without Banners
Time of death: Season 7, Episode 6
Means of execution: Froze to death after being attacked by a wight bear
Likelihood of return: 0%
Petyr “Littlefinger” Baelish

Role: Lord Protector of the Vale
Time of Death: Season 7, Episode 7
Means of execution: Throat slit by Arya Stark on the order of Sansa Stark
Likelihood of return: 0%
Ned Umber

Role: Head of House Umber
Time of Death: Season 8, Episode 1
Means of execution: Killed apparently by White Walkers. His body is hung in the center of a circle of limbs.
Likelihood of return: 0%
Lyanna Mormont

Role: Head of House Mormont
Time of death: Season 8, Episode 3
Means of execution: Crushed by a wight giant after stabbing him in the eye and killing him
Likelihood of return: 0%
Eddison Tollett

Role: Acting Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch
Time of death: Season 8, Episode 3
Means of execution: Mauled to death by wights
Likelihood of return: 0%
Beric Dondarrion

Role: Lord of Blackhaven
Time of death: Season 8, Episode 3
Means of execution: Stabbed to death by wights saving Arya Stark
Likelihood of return: 0%. Though Beric has been resurrected many times, Thoros of Myr is no longer alive to bring Beric back to life. Plus, Melisandre confirms that Beric has “served his purpose” by saving Arya, who then kills the Night Kin).
Jorah Mormont

Role: Advisor to Daenerys Targaryen
Time of death: Season 8, Episode 3
Means of execution: Killed by wights defending Daenerys
Likelihood of return: 0%
Theon Greyjoy

Role: Soldier in Daenerys and Jon’s army
Time of death: Season 8, Episode 3
Means of execution: Stabbed with his own spear by the Night King while defending Bran Stark
Likelihood of return: 0%
The Night King

Role: Leader of the White Walkers
Time of death: Season 8, Episode 3
Means of execution: Stabbed with a Valyrian steel blade by Arya Stark
Likelihood of return: 0% (We hope.)

Role: Priestess of the Lord of Light
Time of death: Season 8, Episode 3
Means of execution: Takes off her magical necklace that keeps her young, walks into the snow and allows herself to die
Likelihood of return: 0% (If soothsayer Melisandre herself is to be believed.)

Role: Former slave and interpreter who became Daenerys Targaryen’s trusted advisor
Time of death: Season 8, Episode 4
Means of execution: Beheaded by the Mountain on Cersei’s orders
Likelihood of return: 0%

Role: The Spider, the Master of Whispers and a server of The Realm who became Daenerys Targaryen’s advisor
Time of death: Season 8, Episode 5
Means of execution: Burned to death by dragon fire on Daenerys’ orders, as she warned him she would if he ever betrayed her
Likelihood of return: 0%
Harry Strickland

Role: Captain of the Golden Company
Time of Death: Season 8, Episode 5
Means of execution: Speared in the back by Grey Worm in the siege of King’s Landing
Likelihood of return: 0%
Euron Greyjoy

Role: Pirate king of the Iron Islands
Time of death: Season 8, Episode 5
Means of execution: Evidently stabbed to death in the stomach by Jaime Lannister.
Likelihood of return: 0%

Role: Ex-maester who became Hand of the Queen to Cersei
Time of death: Season 8, Episode 5
Means of execution: Head smashed after he is thrown by the Mountain for trying to urge him not to fight the Hound
Likelihood of return: 0%
Sandor ‘The Hound’ Clegane

Role: Widely regarded as one of the most fearsome warriors in Westeros, nicknamed ‘the Hound’ for his loyalty
Time of death: Season 8, Episode 5
Means of execution: Killed when he lunges at the Mountain to take him crashing down into the fiery pit, sacrificing himself in the process
Likelihood of return: 0%
Gregor ‘The Mountain’ Clegane

Role: Cersei’s bodyguard who was resurrected
Time of death: Season 8, Episode 5
Means of execution: Presumably killed when the Hound took him down so that they would perish together in the fiery pit after a dagger driven right through his head would not cut it
Likelihood of return: 0%
Jaime Lannister

Role: Former commander of the Lannister armies who left to “fight for the living” in Winterfell, and returned to King’s Landing for Cersei
Time of death: Season 8, Episode 5
Means of execution: Alongside his twin sister and lover Cersei, crushed under the rubble of a King’s Landing tunnel structure as it collapsed
Likelihood of return: 0%
Cersei Lannister

Role: Queen of the Seven Kingdoms
Time of death: Season 8, Episode 5
Means of execution: Alongside her twin brother and lover Jaime, crushed under the rubble of a King’s Landing tunnel structure as it collapsed
Likelihood of return: 0%
Ellaria Sand

Role: Ruler of Dorne
Time of death: Season 8, Episode 5
Means of execution: Presumably crushed in the prison in the Red Keep after Daenerys destroyed the building
Likelihood of return: 1%

Role: Septa of the Faith of theSeven
Time of death: Season 8, Episode 5
Means of execution: Presumably crushed when Daenerys destroyed the Red Keep
Likelihood of return: 1%
Daenerys Targaryen

Role: First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Queen of Mereen, Queen of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, Mother of Dragons and, finally, Queen of the Seven Kingdoms
Time of death: Season 8, Episode 6
Means of execution: Stabbed by lover and nephew Jon Snow after she burns King’s Landing to the ground
Likelihood of return: 0%
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Write to Eliana Dockterman at eliana.dockterman@time.com