This weekend, on the 30th anniversary of its June 8, 1984, release, Ghostbusters is a pretty uncontroversial movie to love. It’s got highly recognizable comedians, catchphrases, a theme song, huge amounts of money earned and a 96% fresh rating at Rotten Tomatoes. It’s even getting a theatrical re-release this summer and there’s a third installment in the works.
But when Ghostbusters first materialized into theaters, not everyone could predict that it would have such spooky staying power.
The New York Times was pretty firmly against it:
Variety didn’t even bother to get the title (one word!) correct:
The Globe and Mail was sure it would be forgotten:
The Miami Herald, too:
The Washington Post was just plain bored:
But, not to toot our own horns, someone got it right. Here’s what TIME had to say: