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Hungarian Camerawoman Plans to Sue Migrant She Tripped

1 minute read

The camerawoman fired after she was recorded tripping refugees in Hungary says she plans to sue one of the migrants she brought to the ground as well as Facebook, according to an interview in Russian newspaper Izvestia.

Petra Laszlo, the former camera operator who now faces a criminal trial, says Osama Abdul Mohsen changed his testimony after initially blaming the police, according to a Mashable translation of the interview. Mohsen is the father famously tripped in a footage that has since gone viral. She said she was suing Facebook for allowing groups that threatened her to remain on the site while removing groups that supported her.

Read More: See Migrants Make Their Way From Serbia to Hungary

Laszlo apologized last month after the migrants she kicked attracted support from around the world.

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Write to Justin Worland at justin.worland@time.com