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Facebook’s New Video App Wants You to Start the Next Ice Bucket Challenge Phenomenon

2 minute read

Facebook isn’t ready to let go of how last summer’s viral ALS Ice Bucket Challenge sent its video views through the roof.

The social media giant launched on Wednesday the standalone app Riff, a collaborative video platform that allows you to invite your friends to stitch together clips under a certain topic, Facebook said in a statement. Since the video is viewable by your participating friends, their friends start can adding videos as well.

“The potential pool of creative collaborators can grow exponentially from there, so a short video can become an inventive project between circles of friends that you can share to Facebook, or anywhere on the Internet, at any time,” product manager Josh Miller said.

Miller told TechCrunch that Riff’s collaborative nature was inspired by how people tagged one another to film and post ALS Ice Bucket Challenge videos, 17 million of which were shared on the site between June 1 and Sept. 1.

Riff also appears to be inspired by how so many Ice Bucket Challenge videos were stitched together—including celebrity and “fail” compilations—similar to the viral “Harlem Shake” videos in 2013, or the never-ending compilations of funny Vines. Riff’s social element will put it in competition with similar apps like Vyclone, MixBit and Snapchat’s Stories.

Riff is available now for iOS and Android.

Facebook’s Gorgeous New Campus Has a ‘Green Roof’ the Size of 7 Football Fields

An aerial view of Facebook's new campus, an expansion of its current headquarters in Menlo Park, Calif. The LEED-certified building, known as MPK 20, has a 9-acre "green roof."Matt Harnack for Facebook
Facebook New Campus Green Roof
The roof contains a half-mile walking loop for employees and over 400 trees.Matt Harnack for Facebook
Facebook New Campus Green Roof
A view of the MPK 20 roof at night.Gehry Partners, LLP
Facebook New Campus Green Roof
The lobby of the campus is entered from the roof.Matt Harnack for Facebook
Facebook New Campus Green Roof
The building, known as MPK 20, will officially open this spring.Matt Harnack for Facebook
Construction begins on April 28, 2014 on Facebook's new west campus in Menlo Park CA.
Construction on the campus seen from above in April, 2014.Proehl Studios/Corbis
Facebook New Campus Green Roof
An early architectural model in the offices of world-renowned architect Frank Gehry.Courtesy of Facebook
Architect Frank Gehry and Mark Zuckerberg review the model before it's construction.Facebook

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